My encounter with another mkiii owner.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
Reign_Maker said:
Please feel free to take your perspective and your personality and exit this community, you both obviously miss the whole concept of what makes this COMMUNITY special... Its not like he drive a Ford Fiesta and was tryin to buddy up with another Fiesta owner... The thing is, Supras are unique... In comparison to Civics, Accords, Mustangs and Camaros, the Supra is unique... They didnt make or sell nearly as many... So when you see a clean one, if you are really a part of this community, you naturally want to talk to that other owner... The hope is they will have the same passion as you and you can bring them into the community... Look at bikers, the comraderie that they have... Why shouldnt we? Ive been chased down in a WalMart parking lot before by another Supra owner, and he and I became great friends... Ive walked/driven up to total strangers in Supras and talked to them... I dont give a shit... Ive never had a problem with any of the older Supra owners, its usually the younger ones, the Honda transfers, that are the biggest fuck ups... They have no respect for this car and its legacy...

I dont care if you have a 7mgte, a ge, a jz, whatever, if yur into supras, I think its dope...

Im all for being part of a community based on this car, its is a niche lil club owning a supra.

I dont expect to be friends with someone just because they drive a supra too. I also dont expect them to be all buddy buddy with me just because I drive a supra. To many different types of people drive this car to think we can all just get along when you first meet.

Just because someone owns a supra doesnt mean they are really 'into' the car like the people here are. Alot of kids might get the supra as their first car because its cheap and fast. The person might drive the supra but really be into hondas and not care about anyone else in a supra.

Id be happy to talk to another supra owner or pull over and help a supra on the side of the road. I dont follow other supras to try and meet them.

On a side note; I was buying a jeep recently and kinda got lost finding the sellers house. I was rolling around a few neighborhoods and spotted a really nice blue supra. I slowed down and had a look and wondered if it was anyone on here lol.


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
westonboege said:
Dont know if this is relevant but... I recently bought an 04 VW GTI 1.8Turbo... I check the forums over there and everyone is an A-Hole.... haha... I love calling supramania my home... Sounds corny maybe but on these forums people are totally different than on other forums... but there are bad apples everywhere... it just depends on the person... screw that guy... i wouldnt want to hang around a person that acts like that anyway...

haha, vwvortex one of those forums? that place has more asshats than SF


In Pursuit of 500rwhp
Jul 16, 2005
Atlanta GA
Wow did someone really post this thread ..... how old are u ??? This sounds like some middle school shit. Get some thicker skin ...... but i say hello to everyone and help out any one that has a real love for cars not just MKIII's


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Reign_Maker said:
Please feel free to take your perspective and your personality and exit this community, you both obviously miss the whole concept of what makes this COMMUNITY special... Its not like he drive a Ford Fiesta and was tryin to buddy up with another Fiesta owner... The thing is, Supras are unique... In comparison to Civics, Accords, Mustangs and Camaros, the Supra is unique... They didnt make or sell nearly as many... So when you see a clean one, if you are really a part of this community, you naturally want to talk to that other owner... The hope is they will have the same passion as you and you can bring them into the community... Look at bikers, the comraderie that they have... Why shouldnt we? Ive been chased down in a WalMart parking lot before by another Supra owner, and he and I became great friends... Ive walked/driven up to total strangers in Supras and talked to them... I dont give a shit... Ive never had a problem with any of the older Supra owners, its usually the younger ones, the Honda transfers, that are the biggest fuck ups... They have no respect for this car and its legacy...

I dont care if you have a 7mgte, a ge, a jz, whatever, if yur into supras, I think its dope...

I was going to say something too about that, but QFT!


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
that sucks, man. don't let it get you down. it'll be made up for ten fold when you meet a cool supra owner. i've met several now, and i've liked every one of them. (even a 60 year old dude with a baby blue N/A 5 speed targa, all stock, and we talked for about an hour and a half:))



New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Portland, OR
Not all tall people play basketball.

Not all Supra owners are cool. Many of them just see their Supra as transportation and will replace it at the drop of a hat if it starts to give them any trouble.


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
I met a supra owner (1990 red NA targa) at my second job this weekend. She's been having some problems with her car lately, but think she's got most of it fixed now. We went to the same school and she's had the car ever since I can remember. I pointed her out to this community that day. Hopefully she'll be over here ;). We never talked in school, but I knew her as the only person in school with a Supra. We probably talked a good half an hour that day...


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
Poodles said:
MKIII owners though, they're the ones that will help you push your car or lone you tools. I've met some bad apples, but never have I met a better community.
This is how I see it, based on personal observation and personal experience: MKII/III owners are blue collar type people... The guys that will crack a cold beer with you after a hard days work... Will work on thier own cars... Love the smell of fuel and oil... Doesnt mind grease under thier nails, and wont cry over a busted knuckle... MKIV owners are white colar... Want fruity mixed drinks after a hard day of sitting in an office... :icon_razz Pay US grease monkeys to make thier cars fast... etc etc etc... *I know thats a general description, but thats MY personal experience and observations, dont :cry: on me MKIV owners...*
iwannadie said:
Alot of kids might get the supra as their first car because its cheap and fast.
Thats the thing, right there... I have yet to meet an older MKIII owner that was a douche... The "kids" that I've met have been cool, but they are open to learn and want to know more about this car and respect the legacy behind it... Im ALWAYS happy to take those "kids" under my wing and help them... But when you get some kid who had a Honda with a mind warping 115hp and gets a Supra with its boggling 232hp, they think they own everything... Those kids would get no love from me... I didnt mean to be hard on you, and I know what you're sayin, not everyone is approachable, but I think the thread starter was a little upset, perhaps suprised by the reaction he got, I mean, when you're here, you're family, you forget that the real world isnt as warm and inviting as it is here...
JustAnotherVictim said:
I wouldn't talk to Jake if I saw him.
He's weird... ::moebaker::
And i'd probably ask you for money too, lol...
willfish said:
i wonder if the kid is on here....
He probably was and was banned, so now he hates us... :D:D:D


The Magnificent Seven
Oct 16, 2005
the seven people in virginia who own supras are cool, so if anyone ever needs a pick-me-up, drop by the state!


Apr 4, 2005
spring, texas
Reign_Maker said:
This is how I see it, based on personal observation and personal experience: MKII/III owners are blue collar type people... The guys that will crack a cold beer with you after a hard days work... Will work on thier own cars... Love the smell of fuel and oil... Doesnt mind grease under thier nails, and wont cry over a busted knuckle... MKIV owners are white colar... Want fruity mixed drinks after a hard day of sitting in an office... :icon_razz Pay US grease monkeys to make thier cars fast... etc etc etc... *I know thats a general description, but thats MY personal experience and observations, dont :cry: on me MKIV owners...*



Mark III Lover
Jan 15, 2007
Reign_Maker, you're sooo coool! And so is everyone on this thread that has shared their personal experience and there two cents about my situation. Haha, thanks guys. Rock on SM!!!


Coitus Non Circum
Jul 12, 2005
Down Like A Clown Charley Brown
Reign_Maker said:
Please feel free to take your perspective and your personality and exit this community, you both obviously miss the whole concept of what makes this COMMUNITY special... Its not like he drive a Ford Fiesta and was tryin to buddy up with another Fiesta owner... The thing is, Supras are unique... In comparison to Civics, Accords, Mustangs and Camaros, the Supra is unique... They didnt make or sell nearly as many... So when you see a clean one, if you are really a part of this community, you naturally want to talk to that other owner... The hope is they will have the same passion as you and you can bring them into the community... Look at bikers, the comraderie that they have... Why shouldnt we? Ive been chased down in a WalMart parking lot before by another Supra owner, and he and I became great friends... Ive walked/driven up to total strangers in Supras and talked to them... I dont give a shit... Ive never had a problem with any of the older Supra owners, its usually the younger ones, the Honda transfers, that are the biggest fuck ups... They have no respect for this car and its legacy...

I dont care if you have a 7mgte, a ge, a jz, whatever, if yur into supras, I think its dope...




Stock is boring :(
Apr 5, 2005
Melbourne, FL
I usually dont go up to other mk3 owners.. most around here are eh.. the ones that come up to me usually act like they know everything.. 1/2 the time I tell them my cars stock im hopes they go away.....

I guess I'm an ass hole.. lol
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