My 1977 7M-GTE CELICA! Finished! Test drive vid on page 18!


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
I can certainly understand enjoying the car, nobody could blame you. If it doesn't NEED fixing, enjoy it!

Hoping my car turns out as nice as yours, honestly. Question for you to that end... Where did you pick up the skills to put this car together? It seems to me that you did most all the work, yes?

I mean, I can do most mechanical jobs. Learn new things all the time when tinkering, but your car goes beyond mere tinkering I'd say. I think I just need to get over the hurdle of being scared to screw up, or to have my work result in something less than greatness. I always did have a perfectionist streak as a kid. Great for what I do at work, but it complicates my hobbies sometimes...

Basically what I'm trying to say is, got any advice? Mistakes I can learn from? Wisdom that isn't exactly obvious? :)


New Member
Mar 31, 2008
Brighton, MI
Anybody interested in some videos?? I took it to the strip again the other day.
I expect it do do terrible now that it is lowered a bunch and with smaller tires. but I still did pretty OK.

11.48 @ 124 mph. my best last time I went was 11.20 @ 123, but this is a much different suspension setup that doesn't like to hook!
I also finally got a chance to weigh it. It weighs 2680 Lbs with me in in and a full tank of gas. Not bad!

End of last year vid that I never shared. Me vs modified Harley

At the strip. I spin real bad but still run 11.60.
This is VS my friends Caliber SRT4

From the stands.
Me vs. Modified Mustang GT. Listen to that No lift shift! BOOM!

This one is my favorite.
Me vs another friends Caliber SRT4. different srt than before. Under car view is incredible! Check out the no lift shift flames..... and the QUICKLY dissapearing Caliber



New Member
Mar 31, 2008
Brighton, MI
te72;2048088 said:
I can certainly understand enjoying the car, nobody could blame you. If it doesn't NEED fixing, enjoy it!

Hoping my car turns out as nice as yours, honestly. Question for you to that end... Where did you pick up the skills to put this car together? It seems to me that you did most all the work, yes?

I mean, I can do most mechanical jobs. Learn new things all the time when tinkering, but your car goes beyond mere tinkering I'd say. I think I just need to get over the hurdle of being scared to screw up, or to have my work result in something less than greatness. I always did have a perfectionist streak as a kid. Great for what I do at work, but it complicates my hobbies sometimes...

Basically what I'm trying to say is, got any advice? Mistakes I can learn from? Wisdom that isn't exactly obvious? :)

I appreciate it! It's nice setting a goal for something nice!

As for obtaining the skills.... mostly, I just honestly can't really afford to pay other to do things for me. I really can't imagine what it would have cost to pay someone to do everything that I have done! So in the end, I just HAVE to do it myself. It sure is nice to be able to say, YES, I DID THAT, and that, and that, and yes, that too!
I do enjoy doing a lot of this stuff though. I have just always really enjoyed learning how things work, so I just try to figure it out. A lot of the stuff, I have a general idea about, and then just do some research online to tell me the rest of what I need to know! The answers are out there if you look! If they are not, then there is really no other choice but to try it for yourself.

I have tried letting other people work on my car, but it never goes very well! I had an extremely experienced guy rebuild my R154 for me years ago... it worked for about a week before it started acting up. and then a couple weeks later, the counter shaft blew a hole into the bellhousing because he had left a snap ring out on accident. Ever since then, I don't trust anyone to do anything mechanical on something that I am trusting my life to.

I did not so my engine machine work myself, because I do not have the equipment, but I wish I was able to. They screwed that up too, and now I am going to have to buy a new block and rebuild my engine at the end of this season again because of their mistake. So really, I have just had bad experiences that have made me only want to do my own work.

Don't think that everything I do turns out perfect though! I mean, i am a perfectionist, but it doesn't always work like that.

For example, I rebuilt my differential with new gears and a new center section. i didn't want to pay someone to do it for me, so I just figured I would do it myself. Did some research, piece of cake right??? Wrong! After of effing with it for almost a month, I just got it as close as I could. Perfect? no. It's a bit noisy. It's actually quieted down a bit with time, but it does work just fine, and I did do it myself. But maybe next time I can do it better.

I did all the bodywork on the car... probably 100-1500 hours of my time... It turned out great, like really really great. I wish you could see it in person!
I had never ever done bodywork before! I asked hundreds of questions to my friends that worked in bodyshops. I asked for advice, I asked them to come look at what I had done to see if I was going in the right direction... They gave me lots of tips and pointers along the way. Some great advice, some not so great! I listed to differing opinions and just thought about what seemed most correct to me. I had one side of the car all finished and the body line crisp. AND THEN, my buddy asked. You striped ALL the old paint right?? Um, no I did not, whatshisname said that I didn't have to. Well, Long story short, I ended up stripping that ENTIRE side back down back to bare metal and starting over fresh. 200+ hours and materials wasted. But, live and learn. I am now confident in my bodywork ability, but I sure don't want to ever do it again!!

Same thing with my Megasquirt, it has a little completely random misfire. Nothing serious, but I haven't been able to figure it out, for years... getting closer though. I have narrowed it down, but after everything I have done... it runs incredible, it kicks ass, and there is NOBODY that has the same car or parts that I do. i think that is worth the thousands of hours alone.

If I go to car shows, people ask where I found a car like it, or where I got the work done, or where I had it painted... it is quite a feeling to see people in awe or disbelief when I am able to say that I did it, all in my own garage. It's not like I just threw it together though! It took me 8-9 years to get it this far! It also helps that I am a single guy that lives by myself! I have a lot of spare time to mess with things when I actually have the motivation to do so.

You know that you can do the same!! Just do a bit of research before you jump in head first! And don't forget to label everything you take apart :nono:


New Member
Mar 31, 2008
Brighton, MI
Thanks guys!!

I have another video under the car of some violent wheelhop! I am amazed how much it moves around even with the poly bushings



Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
speedfreak426;2049302 said:
I appreciate it! It's nice setting a goal for something nice!

As for obtaining the skills....

You know that you can do the same!! Just do a bit of research before you jump in head first! And don't forget to label everything you take apart :nono:
Thanks for the reply man, it's good to hear of someone else in similar shoes. I figure you're just a lot further along than I am. :)

There's about one guy I trust to work on my car other than myself, but he is WAY busy, so I'm doing as much as I KNOW that I'm capable of. So far, the entire car (literally, I think that the fuel lines, brake lines, parking brake handle, steering wheel/in-cabin column, rear bumper, and all the glass are about the only things that CAN come off that I've left on) is dismantled and in about 10,000 pieces. The real test will come when I do my best to put all this stuff back together.

This brings up your final point, labeling things... man, I KNEW I should have done that, particularly with the wiring harness. We'll get it figured out, but had I labeled it... I wouldn't need there to be a "we" factor, you know?

All that said, you make a couple good points. Being single helps when it comes to this hobby (obsession?), for sure. I'm a DINK (double income, no kids) myself, blessed to have a girl in my life who doesn't mind my hobby, because she's fairly into cars herself. That goes a LONG way when your money only goes where you choose to put it...

Your second point, and one that I'm coming to appreciate a lot more in the last few months, is the sense of accomplishment. I may not know nearly as much as you yet, but I know this feeling, the struggle we go through trying to figure something out, before the lightbulb FINALLY comes on... it's great, and provides the drive we need to keep going.

Thanks again for the reply, I'll check out the videos after I shower. :)


New Member
Mar 31, 2008
Brighton, MI
I have driven the car more this past summer than I have in any previous summer. I have had a ton of fun with it.
It pains me sometimes every time I hear a rock kick up and hit the paint... since the car is so nice now. I know it is bound to happen though, and I have mostly gotten over that by now. It's meant to be driven and enjoyed.

I was invited to a concourse show "Eyes On Design" on the lawn of the Edsel and Elanor Ford house. It was a really incredible show, and I was very excited to have created something nice enough to be at such a great event.

Some pro photographers took a few shots of my car as well. It just looks SO incredible. Oh yeah, I won a "Design of distinction" award as well. Pretty happy about that!!


Silver MK3

New Member
Jan 24, 2011
Madison, AL
That's awesome that you were invited to that show and won an award too. You deserve it with a a car like that. Those pics have me drooling!


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Well done man! Car looks great there on the lawn.

So... what are the odds of you bringing this car to Supras In Vegas in late September / early October?