mk4 dash in mk3


New Member
Jan 13, 2009
ruffin, nc
has anyone ever seen or done a mk4 dash in a mk3. i'm thinking bout one day doing a 2jz swap into my car and since i'm going to swap the engine and ecu i'm thinking i should do the dash too. i like the way they look and all that. i never seen or heard of it being done and that would make my car stand out even more. so if its possible thats the route i want to go any ideas or suggestions?


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
Why must a MkIII apologize that it is a MkIII supra and not a MkIV Supra? In 1988 it was the fastest car made in Japan, was that not enough?

Yes, a MkIV is newer, ect. But if you want a Supra that looks like a MkIV, just buy one dammit. Must we bastardize another generation into being something that it is not because we desire something that we can't have?

The only folly of the MkIII interior is the selection of colours, which is easily remedied.


New Member
Jan 13, 2009
ruffin, nc
sorry i even mentioned it. i just like the interior the way it wraps around you and puts everything with in arms reach. i was just lloking for what ya'll think. i'm sorry it was like putting salt in an open wound. i want my cars to stand out, with out being all flashy and "riced" with out poping the hood. i want the body to be sleeper. so the only other thing left is the interior. they always appealed to me. but again my bad sorry to offend ya'll forget i even started this tread.

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
rj_conerly - Understood.

I don't think anybody means to personally attack you...
But when you've been around here for so long, you really build a high level of respect for the MKIII for what it is...Not for what it's not.

And in this case, Ghettofying a MKIV dash into a MKIII chassis just isn't one of those things that rub us the right way. :)

So a thread isn't entirely thrown to waste...
Yes, some have made mere attempts that I know of.
And I know that they stopped once they realized the dimensions of the
entire dashboard itself were not even close.


Orion ZyGarian

Jeff Lange wannabe
Apr 2, 2005
Sarasota, FLorida
I think this is a valid question. I understand the hostility (hell look at my avatar :p), but I cant say I hadnt considered it once. Honestly, its not that different, it just jumps out more with more "dimension."

Oh, and the front end swap was me wanting to reverse the trend and bring more MkIII to the MkIV :biglaugh:. It would look better if I could color match them.


Oct 28, 2005
Sanford, FL
There was a picture floating around a couple of years ago of someone that spent the time and money to do it right. It looked good, a little out of place, but good.


New Member
Jan 13, 2009
ruffin, nc
i mean i can understand where everyone is coming from its just that alot of people act like since a car was the best ever in its time frame that its always going to be that way. i'm sorry i disagree just because a car was great in its day doesn;t mean that it can't be udated to the newer times and be even better. the reason why i want a mk4 dash is so that i can keep it in the family. i mean there are a lot of nice looking dashes out there that in my opinion blow the mk4's out the water, but i want to keep it in the same family tree. i could have easily said a civic dash but that would be horrible even if they are close (i don't know if they are or not, just and example). but again i understand where every one is coming from but i don't understand all the contradictions that are out there. such as the people that say the mk3 is the greatest ever but then go and change it. if its really the best then leave alone. you can't make the best better nobody can.


Sep 29, 2006
Sydney, AU
rj_conerly;1245028 said:
sorry i even mentioned it. i just like the interior the way it wraps around you and puts everything with in arms reach. i was just lloking for what ya'll think. i'm sorry it was like putting salt in an open wound. i want my cars to stand out, with out being all flashy and "riced" with out poping the hood. i want the body to be sleeper. so the only other thing left is the interior. they always appealed to me. but again my bad sorry to offend ya'll forget i even started this tread.

Not bashing, but the MK4 is a curvier and to my eyes not as appealing car as the MK3 :) The Dash goes with the cars lines and curves, our MK3 has straighter tougher lines... which it has a straighter tougher dash.

I think the interior of a MK3 is one of the hardest to beat... looks the part even against todays cars (especially DigiDash!)


New Member
Jun 30, 2007
I love the digital mk3 dash, wish it was easy to put in US cars. But still love the mk3 dash 100x better than the mk4 dash.

Orion ZyGarian

Jeff Lange wannabe
Apr 2, 2005
Sarasota, FLorida
I love the cockpit feel of the MkIV dash surrounding you. Its really great. Stuff is ideally located and easy to reach. Regardless, I have to agree that it just wouldnt be the same in the MkIII. The MkIII dash does the same thing just as well and has a sexy, unique horizontally stretching gauge series.

Blah blah blah MkIII nutswing blah blah.

I would like to make a digital speedo though. That'd be cool.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Just get a MKIII and a MKIV. Somedays I get retro, somedays not.

It works for me. :D

And my MKIII is all oldschool, including the double DIN Clarion Tape/CD head unit and the HKS GCC and EVC with funky green/red lightup buttons and fancy two color LCD.