A note: this thread would have died a bloody death long before it finally did if I had been on here and not out at a movie.
1. Asking for people's opinions on something like tail light swaps will result in you getting people's opinions. You probably won't like them.
2. After getting people's opinions on something, trying to talk them into liking something of preference just isn't going to happen.
3. If you would have actually asked in a constructive manner, I'm sure you could have gotten some good answers, but you didn't.
4. Deleting the first post in a thread is never a good way to ask people a question, if you didn't want the thread open anymore, you could have asked for it to be closed.
5. This thread should have been closed long before it was, don't get the wrong idea about what kind of threads we want here on SM, this is a good example of something we want to avoid.
Hope this thread helps you in future threads, in conclusion read this thread, you should have read it when you signed up, as it is shown on the registration page as well.