:bowdown: :biglaugh: :biggrinbosupra90turbo said:Fuckin-A it's Chuck Fuckin Norris!
Roundhouse kick this guy.
Chuck Norris once flossed with flossinsince1986
sorry i dont remember what i said.. what name did i use?Joel W. said:It's true, I am bored, but I'm also one of the moderators in this section so it's my job to read these threads and keep the peace here. Sometimes that means closeing failed threads. Please play nice with others and we will not have any problems here. Thanks
P.S. I edited one of your post. Please do not call people names here.
sometimes i floss so hard my gums bleedsupra90turbo said:Holy shit... this thread SUCKS!
I posted like 2 hours ago, and there've been like 120 friggin posts since then, and they've all been anything but worth a damn...
ST205 ftw.
I'd drive a MK4. It's not god-status, and any girl that'll fuck you because you're driving a certain car will probably end up with the car and your house at some point.
Stay flossin kid. It's workin for ya :wuteva:
supraman?flossinsince1986 said:thanks supraman.."i floss so hard my gums bleed"
chuck aint worth my pearly whitessupra90turbo said:Fuckin-A it's Chuck Fuckin Norris!
Roundhouse kick this guy.
Chuck Norris once flossed with flossinsince1986
jeff..were on to some shit right now...im not quite sure what it is..but baby were on to it...Jspec7m88 said:I'm feeling a strong vibe of SupraForums right now...
supra90turbo said:You too, Jeff?