Ok wow i see many problems in the near future with me, i just pulled an mhg off my car that was on there roughly 2 years, with no miles on, supposed blown gasket from po. No signs of it however. The gasket looks right out of the package, there is not one piece of viton even slightly rippled. It was a bad case of improper install.
I see yours that was on for 2 months or so, and your original pic shows viton missing from the cylinder area what does that mean for mine? Like i said it was on for atleast 2 years but had absolutely no miles on it, car would not run.
I see yours that was on for 2 months or so, and your original pic shows viton missing from the cylinder area what does that mean for mine? Like i said it was on for atleast 2 years but had absolutely no miles on it, car would not run.