Stabbing pain in one ear and not both? Painful ear elevated?
Sounds like an ear infection. If you've had a cold recently, it probably is. I think the anti-bacterial medication is like 30 bucks. If it is an ear infection, it's caused by a build up of fluid in the inner ear because of swelling in the sinus ducts (caused by the cold, sickness, allergies, ect). Anything that blocks the sinuses can cause an ear infection in some people. I am familiar with these from plenty of experience. It's a pain unlike any other... feels like a knife being twisted in the side of your skull.
Unfortunately, were this to be the case, you will be permenently deaf after a while... 6-10 weeks probably. And, in anycase, if your inner ear hurts like a mother fucker, there's a good chance that if you don't deal with it, no matter what it is, you'll likely go deaf. Typically, permenently.
Ear ducts are very efficient at cleaning out debris, I'm going to go ahead and say that if you're not bleeding from that ear, it's unlikely that it's a foriegn object causing the pain. It's probably something nasty going on behind your ear drum, in the most fragile part of the skull... and it's only going to get worse.
My advice is to suck up that false sense of pride you have and get yourself some help. If you don't help you, no one else will.