mkiiSupraMan18 said:
Let's see, we got my 82...
My buddy Jason's 84
Jeff's 86-ish (?)
and then the 89's....
My two, my buddy Jason's, and this d00d named Jay's from Greenwood
It's actually impressive. The coolest house in Decatur county, for DAMN sure.
My laptop is currently down so I won't be getting on much. I've missed out on a lot. :cry:
And MATT, My car isn't an "86ish" :icon_evil . It's an 88. Jspec7m"88":naughty: lol.
As for the Hooters thing, my dad told me that he thinks if we are reserving for this many people, we have to pre-pay or something like that. I don't know, I'll give them a ring today and let them know that there will be at LEAST 20 people...but we all know there are going to be a lot of tag-a-longer's so...who knows.
For the topic of who is going to be taking "charge"...I "would" do it...but I don't know how to get to MSL. I mean, I'm sure I could find my way there after a couple of hours of cruising:icon_razz but yeah...we should have a couple people "handling" everything.
A brief layout of our day...
Meet @ 12 in Hooters parkinglot (most likely the side lot) where we will hang around there for maybe an hour to wait for the distance drivers and Matt's butt to get off of work. After that, we'll go inside and eat...hit on some Hooter's girls:biglaugh: then we'll make our way to MSL to DYNO! :icon_surp
Jon scheduled us in for around 2:00 if not a little there for a few hours, then if you guys still want to go go-carting at Rascals:love: . After that, it can just be a cruise for a while and if anybody is willing to hang around later, there is plenty of fun that goes on on Saturday nights on Southside. Sound good? I won't be on for a couple days...maybe tomorrow because I'm trying to fix my laptop and I'm another computer.
317-395-8362 if anybody needs anything!
Matt, Supra runs GREAT. :icon_razz I mean...GREAT.

C-ya guys...