Welp... losing my license. Again.
This time, for the staggeringly horrendous violation that is an exhaust leak and a *license plate bulb out*. I put ** because I never found any bulb that was burned out.
Actually it's for 7 surchargeable events within a time period of 5 years or something...
Either way, something like a burned out bulb and a rotted exhaust flange shouldnt suspend my license...
Exhaust leak is considered Defective Equipment. Which is NON-Surchargeable.
He wrote me up for "defective equipment". Good.
No, not good. When he filed the information, he put "Improper Equipment".
Improper Equipment denotes some type of modification, which was not the case.
Improper Equipment is a surchargeable event because MA has a law against any modification to the vehicles exhaust system.
However, I paid the ticket, thinking nothing of it, since it was "defective", and promising to get the exhaust fixed. Which I did.
So what do I get in the mail the other day? A nice little letter from the Registry of Motor Vehicles stating that on 2/8/06, my license/right to operate a motor vehicle will be suspended for 60 days. Oh good.
I am only allowed a "work license" or "hardship license" if the findings are in error.
So I call my lawyer and say that the finding on my last ticket was false, and that I paid it under false beliefs that it was non-surchargeable.
He says that he has attorneys that can go with me to a Court Hearing to get my license back, if not, at the very least a "Cinderella" license.... He asks me if I want him to look into it and, of course, I say yes.
Calls me back and says that it used to cost $500 and it was almost a guarantee that I would get some type of way to still drive, at least to work and back...
NOW, it's gonna cost about $2,000 and it's nearly impossible.
So, basically, in short, I'm fucked for 60days.
Which puts me off to April 9th until I can drive again.
Fan-friggin-tastic! :3d_frown:
This time, for the staggeringly horrendous violation that is an exhaust leak and a *license plate bulb out*. I put ** because I never found any bulb that was burned out.
Actually it's for 7 surchargeable events within a time period of 5 years or something...
Either way, something like a burned out bulb and a rotted exhaust flange shouldnt suspend my license...
Exhaust leak is considered Defective Equipment. Which is NON-Surchargeable.
He wrote me up for "defective equipment". Good.
No, not good. When he filed the information, he put "Improper Equipment".
Improper Equipment denotes some type of modification, which was not the case.
Improper Equipment is a surchargeable event because MA has a law against any modification to the vehicles exhaust system.
However, I paid the ticket, thinking nothing of it, since it was "defective", and promising to get the exhaust fixed. Which I did.
So what do I get in the mail the other day? A nice little letter from the Registry of Motor Vehicles stating that on 2/8/06, my license/right to operate a motor vehicle will be suspended for 60 days. Oh good.
I am only allowed a "work license" or "hardship license" if the findings are in error.
So I call my lawyer and say that the finding on my last ticket was false, and that I paid it under false beliefs that it was non-surchargeable.
He says that he has attorneys that can go with me to a Court Hearing to get my license back, if not, at the very least a "Cinderella" license.... He asks me if I want him to look into it and, of course, I say yes.
Calls me back and says that it used to cost $500 and it was almost a guarantee that I would get some type of way to still drive, at least to work and back...
NOW, it's gonna cost about $2,000 and it's nearly impossible.
So, basically, in short, I'm fucked for 60days.
Which puts me off to April 9th until I can drive again.
Fan-friggin-tastic! :3d_frown: