Massachusetts=3, Me=0


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
Welp... losing my license. Again.
This time, for the staggeringly horrendous violation that is an exhaust leak and a *license plate bulb out*. I put ** because I never found any bulb that was burned out.
Actually it's for 7 surchargeable events within a time period of 5 years or something...
Either way, something like a burned out bulb and a rotted exhaust flange shouldnt suspend my license...

Exhaust leak is considered Defective Equipment. Which is NON-Surchargeable.
He wrote me up for "defective equipment". Good.
No, not good. When he filed the information, he put "Improper Equipment".
Improper Equipment denotes some type of modification, which was not the case.
Improper Equipment is a surchargeable event because MA has a law against any modification to the vehicles exhaust system.

However, I paid the ticket, thinking nothing of it, since it was "defective", and promising to get the exhaust fixed. Which I did.

So what do I get in the mail the other day? A nice little letter from the Registry of Motor Vehicles stating that on 2/8/06, my license/right to operate a motor vehicle will be suspended for 60 days. Oh good.
I am only allowed a "work license" or "hardship license" if the findings are in error.

So I call my lawyer and say that the finding on my last ticket was false, and that I paid it under false beliefs that it was non-surchargeable.

He says that he has attorneys that can go with me to a Court Hearing to get my license back, if not, at the very least a "Cinderella" license.... He asks me if I want him to look into it and, of course, I say yes.

Calls me back and says that it used to cost $500 and it was almost a guarantee that I would get some type of way to still drive, at least to work and back...
NOW, it's gonna cost about $2,000 and it's nearly impossible.

So, basically, in short, I'm fucked for 60days.

Which puts me off to April 9th until I can drive again.

Fan-friggin-tastic! :3d_frown:


yay for the law,
i honestly dont know if my license is still valid or not. I need to get that shit updated..


oh really? inbreeding ooo

did you know that its legal to marry your pet cow in kentucky?


Sep 12, 2005
damn here in michigan we dont have that shit hwere they check your cars... thanks god. i have had my license for 2 weeks and the cop pulled me over for turning on i know it was yellow when i turned... i was in my alero so now i gotta fight it. shit 1 more in a yar and im done till im 18. this sucks i just want it off my record so insurance wont go up when it stops snowing an i insure my rocketship:)


Manic Mechanic
Mar 30, 2005
Chesapeake, VA
Damn Kurt, you just have shit luck when it comes to keeping your license... can't turn right on red? You can here unless marked otherwise..


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
That sucks...I never knew that was grounds for revoking a license, I better fix my exhaust leak:icon_conf
Massachusetts sucks, fight it or burn the RMV down!


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
Squid: you're telling me... I've had my license for 5 years. I've lost it in 2001 for 6 months, 2004/2005 for 7 months, and now 2006 for 2 months. Now it's just like, "OK. It's a new year. Which months am I going to be without license?"

The first time, I lost it for what you could possibly lose it for, Adam.. 2 tickets in a year as a Junior Operator. 60mph in a 45mph zone and 81mph in a 55mph zone. I accepted that one. The 2nd, meh, more or less, plus I was considered an "Immediate Threat" and suspended as soon as they could put a stamp on an envelope and get it to me. 99mph in a 55mph zone at 3am. Should've run. Oh well, I don't quite have it in me to run, really... because I know that if I get caught then, it'll be MUCH worse...

MassSupra: too late to fight. Plus it's NOT grounds for revocation!! It's a paperwork technicality that I can do nothing about unless I have $2,000+ to throw around at lawyers and court fees... Basically, MA has me by the balls... again...

I can't believe that a bulb out and a leaky exhaust flange is grounds for removing me from the street...
Oh yes, I'm a huge hazard to public safety... In my rusty Subaru wagon...


Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
i had a lawyer take care of a ticket for me,

i ended up paying 90$ more than i should have =P

find out where he lives (the cop), tie death rabbits to his door


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
I have a lawyer that got me out of a jam.
It's a pretty lengthy story, so skip or read on.

Hanging out at the typical hang-out spot.. Wendy's parking lot. Which happens to be a large parking area encompassing several stores.

My friend of a long time's cousin, who is 14 (I was 20 at the time) and was constantly around us when we were all growing up, wants me to take him for a ride. So I say, "hop in" and we jump on the highway, quick to 80, then back off the highway, go around the rotary (roundabout for UK'ers and Oz and "circle" for NJ'ers) and do the same. Up the onramp, 80'ish, down the offramp.
He says to do a burnout when I get back to Wendy's, so I look around and see nobody, pull in, go to the far side of the Lot, and pop 2 quick donuts, followed by a short brakestand to rolling burnout. I think all of 20mph was achieved as I head towards my friends. With a sinking in my chest, I look left and see a cop coming with his lights on. "Shit" I think to myself, as I sneak around behind Wendy's before I'm headed off like I'm trafficking Heroin or something...

He asks me what the hell I think I'm doing, to which I respond "I don't know".
Blah blah, then he starts giving me shit about the passenger.
cop: "Who's that?"
me: "A friend"
cop: "A friend?! How old are you, son (looking at passenger)"
passenger: "14"
cop: *Snaps a glare back at me, and actually steps back and reaches for his gun and asks EXTREMELY cautiously "What are you doing hanging out with a 14 year old BOY!??"
me: "um, he's my friend's cousin, and was always around us when we were younger. his cousin is over there" *points*
cop: "keep your hands in the car.. Don't you find it a bit odd that you're 'hanging out' with a 14 year old BOY?"
me: "no sir, certainly not as much as you. you'd understand if you knew more."
cop: "well, its quite disturbing to me."
me: "sorry to hear that."

So, I'm a pedophile? ok...

I got a record of the police report, and his copy of the ticket that states what happened and where, why, how, who.. so on.
He mentions my buddy's cousin and some wierd remarks that makes me out to be some potential sicko.. good....

Then, this is how he recollects the situation.

I witnessed a Black sports car enter the parking lot at an extremely high rate of speed. So fast, that the vehicle actually went up on the two side wheels as he cornered.
Then the vehicle preceded to do a repeated S-Curve pattern across the parking lot while spinning the tires, producing smoke. The vehicle then, lost control and spun 5 or 6 times (Doughnuts). The suspect then stopped spinning in circles, but still remained spinning the tires while stopped creating excessive amounts of smoke and noise.
The vehicle then took off so fast that the front wheels lifted off the ground as it accelerated across the parking lot speeding, and narrowly missing pedestrians, parked vehicles, and customers of surrounding stores.

I, then, pulled the vehicle over and the operator clearly stated "I don't know why I did that. It was a dumb thing to do, and I'm stupid for doing it"

Mods at the time were ST springs/bilstein, 3"dp, intake, mbc@10psi(more, but those are the essentials)
1: I'm no pedophile!
2: sweet! my car can drive on two side wheels. I'm the next Joie Chitwood.
3: World Record holder for stock mk3 wheelie on 225/50r16 Fuzion ZR-i !!!!
4: I never made those closing statements...

I went to court, and they told me that the cop was a known exaggerator, and would drop the charges if I agreed to pay a $250 court fee. My lawyer stood up and said "Make that $125" and the judge agreed. haha...

That's just my kind of luck though...


rip ssb
Mar 30, 2005
melbourne, fl
dude thats why u move from mass to fl man they erase all ur tickets and u start out at 0. i was a step 27 paying 2700 just for basic. now i pay 475 for full every 6 months. woooohoooo.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Dude your luck BLOWS. srry to hear about that crap. sad thing is, most guys who drive sports cars like ours care more about the car, and actually know how to drive, unlike some 70 yo woman, or some soccer mom in a van.
(i know there are good cops out there) but some cops shouldnt be cops.


Mar 31, 2005
Spokane, Wa
If that was my perdiciment<sp> I would go down to the courthouse and attempt to setup a meeting with a judge. one on oen. I don't know if that's possible or not, but that's what I'd try and do.

as for the two wheel thing... smooth. Show me how to do that sometime? :)


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
StreetKnight: LOL... I've been thinking HEAVILY about it.... I'm now a step 30. Yay. $1700/yr for a 220,000mi subaru legacy wagon. minimal coverage. not even comprehensive. rad...

Loki: I'll show you a pedophile... :joshers:

Mario: My friend and I are always talking about things as such. He mentioned to me today that in his insurance paperwork, he found "Driver Classifications". Steps 16 to 35 are considered "Inexperienced" whereas steps 14 to 9 are considered "Experienced", and naturally, are assumed better drivers.
Now, my mom is a step 10. More times than I can recall has she come home during a snowstorm and said something to the effect of "BOY!!! It is slippery out. I spun out twice!" or "X" number of times...
Granted, she's a woman... :lol: jk!!
I've been in several situations where I was with friends, and had to react to something. Something that may not have gone well if someone else were driving, and pulled it off gracefully.
If it's snowing, I'm usually the preferred mode of transportation within the circle of friends who aren't technically proficient in winter driving conditions.
I'm a good driver! We shouldn't be penalized for things that aren't life-affecting! Like, say an EXHAUST LEAK!! However, I know people who have been in multiple accidents and still have their license.
I've never been involved in any accidents as a driver whatsoever. That's what should be important. I shouldn't be viewed as a "Bad Driver" because I have a loud exhaust. I should be viewed as a good driver for not being in accidents. ::sigh::[ /mini rant] i suppose.

Justin: Lessons will be held in an open parking lot near you! All you have to do is pay for my plane ticket.
Oh, and naturally, I'm gonna have to drive your car though... Mine's in pieces and very far away from you.


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
Damn supra90turbo! Your driving record sounds like mine. I was on a first name basis with the cops in Colorado, had lost my license for more time than I actually had it. By the time I'm done I will have been with out my license for a total (on and off) of 7 years. 19 speeding tickets total 15 of them were for 5-10 over, most of the time was 70 in a 65. You think I would learn a lesson somewhere. Being in a small town sucks when you and the head sheriff have bad blood between you. Best of luck to you and hope you find a good way out of it.

P.S. I have never gotten a speeding ticket in my supra, 90% of those tickets were in a Saturn I had previously owned. lol


Supramania Contributor
Aug 15, 2005
Naples, FL
streetknight said:
dude thats why u move from mass to fl man they erase all ur tickets and u start out at 0. i was a step 27 paying 2700 just for basic. now i pay 475 for full every 6 months. woooohoooo.

meh...Florida can be just as queer with their laws as Mass. In my area "fix it" tickets used to be that if you had a burned out tail light, you fixed it and had a cop sign off the ticket and you only paid $7.00 for it. Now it's a mandatory $50... over a $2 lightbulb :nono:

I was lucky when I got caught for street racing (yes, yes I know, bad stuff) I didn't get arrested, nor did I lose my license. $512 in fines later I have 6 points on my license from it. I pay $852 for 6 months with Progressive with comprehensive ($250) and collision ($500)

The cops here can be real dickish. The only real plus about FL is not having any emissions tests. Come to think of it, my car would be exempt in Mass. anyway :evil2:


rip ssb
Mar 30, 2005
melbourne, fl
yeah but in fl u can go to school to wipe a ticket clean in mass u cant every ticket goes on ur record for good. also fl is not as bad a mass. he lives in a town if he had lived in a city he would be paying about 2400-2700 just for basic on that wagon. i had a 87 4 door corolla and i was paying 2700 just for that shit box.


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
30...shit I thought I was getting raped by non competetive insurance around here at a step 17. A friend of mine is at 35 and can't insure his audi or lotus under his own name, has to do it under his girlfriends name and bought a storage unit because he keeps buying vehicles and hides them from his parents.
And you gotta teach me those wheelies and chitwood stunts :icon_wink