Making a living


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
Shytheed Dumas said:
I don't make as much as SC. :p Chemical technical service rep for more than 11 years so far and bored as hell, so I am working on a position as plant manager for a much smaller company. Initial pay would be about the same, but potential galore if I prove myself over the next year or two. Interview #4 was last Friday and I should have a final answer by Thursday. :x:

Good luck Curt!


New Member
Sep 6, 2007
starscream5000 said:
Default Resolution Specialist full time. I consistantly work 1-2 hours OT each day there.

Produce associate part time at Wal-Mart, two days a week. I work on the weekends there, so I actually work 7 days a week. It's damn tiring for sure. I'll be finding out this afternoon if I get to transfer to the Wal-Mart I work right beside at my full time job. If I do, then I'll just work there a few hours each day and have at least one day off a week finally.

Let's put it into other terms here. I live in a place where cost of living is minimal. No one around here makes much money becuase most things are cheap here. My total monthly expenses (including food, all bills, rent, etc.) are $1069.94 monthly. I clear $1729.96.

I have play money to say the least ;).

It may not be much to some, but I'm living comfortably.

That $1000 would barley cover my rent, $935 a month.

As for knwowing the sup Dan don't think I do, buch a bs going on there now we got hub managers from all over the country last time they did polls on the hubs 47of 53 not the greatest. But they can't take in the consideration of them doing construction on half the building.


AKA Slient_sniper
Apr 24, 2006
yah 3-5 is about avrage

the lowest tip iv gotten is 10 cents and the biggest was 12$

if i get 3-5 per run i usally come home with 70-100 a day some times less on the week day working 6 days a week so its good money for sure

I love the job and im looking at picking up an MR2 2nd gen for a delivery car/DD and then i can really start putting some money on my sup shes been without an engine/tranny for almost 6months now and its kinda depressing but soon she'll be running again :) :D


Oct 3, 2006
well before my car went down, i worked at a studio that did a bunch of misc. things; a really common thing they did was help settle insurance claims for big car crashes. technically i was an intern but i got my hands pretty dirty in all the stuff, we would recreate the crashes in 3D based on pictures and other information we had on the scene to help decipher who's fault it really was

once i was given some wild lookin blueprints for an oilrig that a big oil company was building, and i got to make a simple model to kinda illustrate the rig to the executives or something

i only get like $8 an hour though, suckz0rz


Fire is my friend.
Oct 22, 2006
Augusta, GA
silent_sniper said:
yah 3-5 is about avrage

the lowest tip iv gotten is 10 cents and the biggest was 12$

if i get 3-5 per run i usally come home with 70-100 a day some times less on the week day working 6 days a week so its good money for sure

I love the job and im looking at picking up an MR2 2nd gen for a delivery car/DD and then i can really start putting some money on my sup shes been without an engine/tranny for almost 6months now and its kinda depressing but soon she'll be running again :) :D

I got a 110.00 tip once, it was to some big party and every one had put in like 15.00 to get pizza and it was way to much, and the dude was like well shit i dunno what to do with all this and told me to keep it lol.


Supra-less :(
May 30, 2006
long branch
the most i made in one night was 250$ delivering. I had a black eye :) And i also made about the same as that working 12-8 on a new years. Dominos is only closed thangksgiving and christmas day. Isnt that some BS


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
Full time IT student, during the school year i work at the IT help desk 15hrs@8.50(soon to be 9). Over the summer, i work at the worlds largest re-insurance company doing desktop support (500 a week before taxes).


May 16, 2007
Rockledge, Florida
Part time drafting tech at a land surveying and mapping company $13.00 an hour and over time is anything over 8 hours in a day so I get OT working part time. Full time mechanical engineer student.