Yaaaay, First day officially having a "sort of" healthy car in a while and I break it racing and spanking a 1500lb swapped and built motor CRX spraying like 75 shot....Anyways, Question for you fellers that are familiar with different hoses that are sort of deep down in your motor...
The hose itself (like a 3/8" hose), blew on me AFTER I had shut the car down...at first, I was like, "OH GOD, NOT BHG

", but I found quickly that a hose had cracked...
Now, to try to explain it...
One end of the hose goes up INTO the Intake Manifold from the bottom side...and the other end of the hose goes to some little nipple-type plug that sits right below the manifold...It is some sort of coolant line...but I'm not sure exactly WHAT it's going to, where it's going, and if it's even necessary...
I was stuck out in Greenwood and had no choice, so I just cut the hose in half where it had cracked, and stuck 2 bolts in each end to keep from losing anymore coolant...I'm "assuming" it is some sort of way of keeping the manifold cool...but I didn't know if it served some other purpose...Well, anyone have any idea what it is? :icon_conf