Losing boost at 6400rpm. Help!


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I think the last time I dyno'd it with the HKS copy wastegate, it would only boost to 13-15psi with a 13lb spring in it. I don't normally do half throttle runs, but for some reason tonight when I did run it, I had the neighbors best interest at heart. It won't happen again, I promise.


ASE and FAA A&P Certified
Mar 31, 2005
Central Idaho
IJ.;1119207 said:
No use T'ing it to the Compressor housing J the Stinger needs to see manifold pressure and vacuum.

IJ beat me to this; you dont want to hook the stinger sensor to the outlet on the turbo. The pressure on this wont read accurately; your Stinger needs to see the manifold pressure so that it can calculate the correct pulsewidth while your car is in vacuum. Even when at 100% full throttle WO the pressure at the turbo compressor housing will be higher than the manifold. Moving the Stinger sensor over there would require a complete re-work of the map and even then it would be impossible to tune. The pressure from the turbo will always be different than the manifold pressure, especially when the throttle plate closes.

For boost control purposes, the turbo outlet is the best place to hook up your wastegate/solenoid vacuum line because it will be the most consistent point with the output pressure. Connecting the wastegate/solenoid vacuum line to the manifold is not a good idea because the output pressure will vary based on temperature and a few other factors when you run the car and require never ending adjustments of the duty cycle, etc. The pressure sensor for your AVCR should definately be hooked up directly to the manifold, preferably at the same location or near to the manifold pressure sensor for the Stinger. This will allow you to directly compare the readings of the AVCR to the datalog of the Stinger; the AVCR has a playback function doesnt it?
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naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I did another pull this morning and the same thing happend again. What gets me is why doesn't it build seventeen psi before five thousand rpm? If the turbo is as good as it should be I should really be getting max boost quicker than I am. I think I should see seventeen psi by 3600rpm. This has got to be part of the problem I think.

Edit: I don't know that it's the turbo, I'm just pissed that I can't figure it out.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
IJ.;1120323 said:
J: My 3540 with the 1.06 housing on a 7m wasn't getting to 20 psi until 4700 if that helps any.

I have a .82 housing and I'm not seeing 17.260 until 6117rpm with the boost controller hooked up. It made 18.709 @ 6291 and then fell off to 11.7 @ 6695rpm..................I hope Vonda hid all of the knives from me.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I"ll be glad to try that this evening IJ, but I can't now. It's golf day and I'm already in my sunday go to meeting clothes. When I get home this evening, I will unhook it and try it like that.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I appreciate your help Ian. The next time I'm in Melbourne, I'll come by and wash Fatty for you.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Thanks Scott, but it is installed.

Ian, you do know that I dont' have a catalytic converter dont you? I have 3" exhaust from the turbo back into a magnaflow muffler that's brand new. I just thought I'd inform you in case you didn't know.


Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
suprahero;1118384 said:
George is having to evacuate his house at the gulf so he's going to be staying with me for a few days............I know.....he's extremely lucky, except for that whole flooding thing. He's bringing his Stinger and we're going to try it on my car. Hopefully this will help, but I won't know until we try it.

One more thing to add. For some reason, I can't make my boost guage work. It has vacuum to it, although not a lot. When I boost it doesn't read more than one or two pounds. Just thought I would throw that out there. It is an Autometer so it could just be fubar'd.

blow into it with a hose attached. this may be one of your problems... my gauge didnt work when i had vac lines disconnected so maybe you have one somewhere

Turbo Drifter

New Member
Dec 8, 2005
Surrey, BC Canada
Oh man you have still not got this sorted out? I still think its somthing to do with flow intake or exhaust. Is there any chance you had a rag or somthing in the hot pipe from the turbo to the IC and forgot to take it out? if so it would now be in the end tank and would block or restrict flow. I have seen it happen before and cause all kinds of strange problems.

With the way the car is beaving I'm almost positive its a flow problem.



naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
tlo86;1120406 said:
blow into it with a hose attached. this may be one of your problems... my gauge didnt work when i had vac lines disconnected so maybe you have one somewhere
I got the boost gauge fixed. I had it hooked up to a one way valve that was under the intake and didn't know it. I now have it hooked up to another source and it works perfectly.

Turbo Drifter;1120698 said:
Oh man you have still not got this sorted out? I still think its somthing to do with flow intake or exhaust. Is there any chance you had a rag or somthing in the hot pipe from the turbo to the IC and forgot to take it out? if so it would now be in the end tank and would block or restrict flow. I have seen it happen before and cause all kinds of strange problems.

With the way the car is beaving I'm almost positive its a flow problem.

I"m going to remove the exhaust and see if it helps. I'm definately going to wake up the internet for sure.......:evil2:

IJ.;1120700 said:
J: Yep I know but just trying to rule things out step by step and nothing else seems to be working.
I still plan on doing this and eliminating it as a cause Ian. I just got home from work and will do it this evening after I rest me weary bones.

tissimo;1120757 said:
Are you controlling the boost with your boost controller or is it off?
I'm controlling it with the boost controller unless doing the datalogs Justin and then I do it with the wastegate only.

Since my turbo is spooling to 18psi on wastegate only, do you think it's going to hit boost cut with no exhaust? I have the boost cut set at 19psi since I'm only running 93octane.

Turbo Drifter

New Member
Dec 8, 2005
Surrey, BC Canada
suprahero;1121559 said:
I"m going to remove the exhaust and see if it helps. I'm definately going to wake up the internet for sure.......:evil2:

Since my turbo is spooling to 18psi on wastegate only, do you think it's going to hit boost cut with no exhaust? I have the boost cut set at 19psi since I'm only running 93octane.

Well if you're WG is working right it should not overboost at all. With your set up right now it may very well. Nothing you can do but try it and see what happens.

Have you taken off the pipe that goes to the IC core from the turbo to make sure you do not have any obstructions?
