Hi Brian, my Supra should be there...I picked it up Saturday and the shop took it back Monday...a few wiring issues it seems. It also turned out my CT-26 60-1 bit the big one when my engine blew so the shop got a stock one for mechevyeater said:My car probably still will not but, I'll try and get down there just to hang out for a bit. You up and running again Kirk? Wellington was telling me you were suffereng from the same turbo ailment as me.
SupraKirk said:Hi Brian, my Supra should be there...I picked it up Saturday and the shop took it back Monday...a few wiring issues it seems. It also turned out my CT-26 60-1 bit the big one when my engine blew so the shop got a stock one for meI'm in break-in time now anyway so it's not a big deal yet. I hope to get the car back Wednesday. Hopefully will see you there!
Here are some recent pics: http://www.mk3.us/kirk/pics.asp
YoNkErS87t said:So how many of you were at the meet at Tobay beach, I mean oak beach. What was up with troopers out there.
Kirk was that you in the white Supra, I was traveling opposite off you in a Black one.
Put-it-in-your-Mouth said:KIRK what up baby
its Lali. your engine looks good