any one else think that 100psi is too low?
I've been messing with my Profec E-01 the last couple of days. The display has been inop so I've been tinkering with it. Today, I got on an on ramp and nailed it and heard a pop and a puff of smoke came out of the back. Luckily I was close to home.
When I got home, the car was running like shit with a loud metallic tap coming from the front of the head. I checked the compression and found the #1 piston only 100 psi. I think that I might have inadvertently raised the boost :biglaugh:
Oh well, my 1.5j swap tempo just jumped up a notch or two :sarcasm:
I've been messing with my Profec E-01 the last couple of days. The display has been inop so I've been tinkering with it. Today, I got on an on ramp and nailed it and heard a pop and a puff of smoke came out of the back. Luckily I was close to home.
When I got home, the car was running like shit with a loud metallic tap coming from the front of the head. I checked the compression and found the #1 piston only 100 psi. I think that I might have inadvertently raised the boost :biglaugh:
Oh well, my 1.5j swap tempo just jumped up a notch or two :sarcasm: