tissimo said:what about
hillbilly with works?
BlackMKIII said:
Make him give you three more clues...............:biglaugh:
Nevermind, I may not want to hear them.............:icon_bigg
tissimo said:what about
hillbilly with works?
BlackMKIII said:
suprahero said:Here's another easy one.
1. One of the best colors for a supra
2. Has a cage
3. Has nitrous
4. He's a free bleeder
5. Carries an extra strap with him.
suprahero said:You're good, I should have never given the free bleeder clue...........:biglaugh:
1. He's a yankee
2. He had a NA, but it developed rodknock. Huh, imagine that, a 7m developing rod knock.
3. He has one of the prettiest non running NA's in the world.
4. He has shiny shiny wheels
5. He did a burnout with a rod knocking NA, and I thought it was imppossible.
Genna used to be the owner, that's its claim to fame. Now it's in JonoTurbo's Hands.foreverpsycotic said:The car holds the #2 position on 7mpower
Now has a 1jz
CFX oem hood
RP01 wheels
Recaro seats
Loki said:I think it's his brothers car, can't remember his name. Supra brothers or something like that.....
foreverpsycotic said:The car holds the #2 position on 7mpower
Now has a 1jz
CFX oem hood
RP01 wheels
Recaro seats
flubyux2 said:Nick, give us your guy; i may have been around long enough but my memory may fail me...
Nick Stonawski said:TOUGH ONE:
1. Owns the first official "BHG" T-shirt i ever made.
2. Only went to Vegas '02
3. Ran a 7M with T04E
4. Blew his motor up racing a buddy on the highway in '03 on empty
5. Jaguar Mechanic (claimed those cars were the crappiest of crappy!)
There are some parts on his car that would give him away in less than a second. i figure with the clues above u have to be a hell of a super slueth or gotta be oldskool. i figure only a handfull wil get this.
Long live Oldskoool members!