no, i think bryan is right. i think its him who has the 1uz mk3...
EDIT: Dean Marcum switched to one... maybe its him?
EDIT: Dean Marcum switched to one... maybe its him?
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SuprA70 said:Red car with the maxx evo bumper? Twin cars along with a white one. Trey and Jeremy. One or the other. Just a shot in the dark.
SySt said:trick question? I'll give you a hint. I have an all aluminum V8, I also have an 88- spoiler. I however do not have a front bumper at all, never have I had an 89+ front bumper.
suprahero said:1. He's a yankee
2. He had a NA, but it developed rodknock. Huh, imagine that, a 7m developing rod knock.
3. He has one of the prettiest non running NA's in the world.
4. He has shiny shiny wheels
5. He did a burnout with a rod knocking NA, and I thought it was imppossible.
CryoSlash said:Locals will get this easy, so to the locals, STFU
1. 3 Hole Genuine Bomex Front Lip
2. His Auto is simply PUR
3. Alien Vs Predator
4. 7m Power
5. Turbo bigger then your head.
Nick Stonawski said:TOUGH ONE:
1. Owns the first official "BHG" T-shirt i ever made.
2. Only went to Vegas '02
3. Ran a 7M with T04E
4. Blew his motor up racing a buddy on the highway in '03 on empty
5. Jaguar Mechanic (claimed those cars were the crappiest of crappy!)
There are some parts on his car that would give him away in less than a second. i figure with the clues above u have to be a hell of a super slueth or gotta be oldskool. i figure only a handfull wil get this.
Long live Oldskoool members!
SupraBlur said:Red '88
7M-GTE with high compression n/a pistons
RP01's eventually painted gold
exhaust spat out so much flame that you'd think the car was on fire