RazoE;1030988 said:
anyway, it's easy to have a kid without knowing..
kids themselves are usually 7 lbs, and if it is all concentrated on the baby, the rest of your body wont seem heavier (aka fatter)
Uhhh, what? Do you seriously think you only gain the babys 7lbs when pregnant? The placenta and all the associated embryonic fluid is heavy as well. I was 116lbs when I got pregnant with my son. I weighed 164lbs when I have birth to him, and he was 4 weeks early! The heaviest I've ever weighed was 172lbs when I gave birth to my 8lb 12 oz daughter.
Maybe for someone with a heavier frame it is easier to not recognize that you're pregnant, especially if you keep having periods, but in my case I know for sure I couldn't mistake it. At about 16 weeks you can feel the baby moving, which feels like gas at first but then you feel it punting your insides. Farther along you feel the kids feet getting stuck inside your ribcage which in no way can be mistaken for gas, lol.
I'm not calling LilMiss out as a liar or anything, I wish her all the best, but I'm just amazed that one can go 9 months without noticing her tummy is hard and there is a person playing soccer with her gall bladder :biglaugh: