just joined the 1uz club


ok, so moving along now.......
you wouldn't believe how many black widows came dropping out of this car after I hosed it down with spider spray. 8 big fat ones total!!!!!
but anyhow it's ready to have the engine removed once I can find some friggin time. but anyway. I was doing some measurements and came to a realizaation. I might be able to just flip the stock 1uz mounts around from rh to lh, then that would change the mounting position 1.181" or 30mm which is the same as the thickness of the adaptor plate. I think this would eliminate the need for custom mounts. has anyone tried this? or is the angle different at the end.

here's a drawing I made after getting the numbers with the cmm.

any ideas?


1 piece would be stronger, and aluminum is way lighter, and it looks better. Especially if you anodize them.
so here's the latest update.
I am almost finished with the plate. I still have to mill a relief on the backside, but besides that it's finished. One thing I'm going to have to mention here is that the plans that are for sale on e-bay aren't very accurate. the only thing they actually got right was the centering to the shaft. other than that whan I compared they're drawing to my cmm report most of their holes barely lined up...... just enough so that the bolts would barely clear. Hardly acceptable for me..... So, I'm very happy I went off of my own numbers because everything matches up very well.

if you notice the extra holes in the plate it's because it started life as a fixture plate that I pulled from the scrap heap at work.






and btw can we say laser cut teflon tb gasket?


if you want to pay for ebay junk made in china. plus it's not the whole kit, so no biggie. We were just discussing that the other day, andbasically he dosen't really seem to care about the china mounts.(although he had a few choice words to say) and from what it looks like to me, it hasn't effected business at all. if anything it's been picking up. :)

on another note, hey zum, what do you do with your car anyway? drift grip or drag?


Can't Wait to Be King.
Oct 21, 2006
Sac-Town, NorCal
4U2QUIK;1446316 said:
on another note, hey zum, what do you do with your car anyway? drift grip or drag?

Nothing too spectacular. It'll always be a touring car and cruiser to me.

With all the money i have in the motor i should have went with a 5M-GE (inside joke.) lol

All of those "sports" require a dedicated "race" car and right now; I just want to enjoy it.