Just Another Rebuild


T-virus infected
weyang and bob


Supramania Contributor
Jaguar_5 said:
How much did that run ya?
$895 with a core but my old tranny was fubar so they got me a replacement.
Marlin Crawler custom builds the synchros etc so it resolves the problems with the stock parts.
Without a core it's 1395+tax and $50 shipping.

They built me a custom shifter seating as well.
All products guaranteed for one year against defects in materials and labor.
So I'm good if anything goes wrong within a year. Which I dont' think it will since all they build is R-series trannies. You should have seen the look on the guy's face when I brought in my tranny, he was so excited lol.


Supramania Contributor
Holy back from the dead post Batman!!

Well stopped by the machine shop today and left my crank to get polished and rod bolts installed.

This is my list of what I want/need done:
Crank Polish---------------------68.50
Rod Bolt install-------------------20.00
Head surface--------------------58.50
Hone and bore-------------------102.50
Bottom End Balance--------------258.00

Pretty sure he said the decking the block was included.

Got my ARP main and head studs today also. $189 shipped from Paradise racing. :icon_bigg