My waist is at 34". My BMI came back at 18% so I'm cleared to enter I just really got to work on my running. Push-up and sit-up I'm fine. Whats this "bike" you guys keep talkin about??
AF1JZ;911674 said:I guess I should rephrase that....It's going to get harder for the overweight non running foo's. Also, 74.99 and below is now a poor. The AF got rid of the marginal score. From what I hear, coming soon it is going to be a poor at 79.99 and below.
Fortunately, I only have about 6 months left in the AF if I don't reenlist.
Yea, F-youMy waist is what makes it hard for me. I guess it's good that I'm a good runner to be able to make up my waist points.
xxxotiknightz;911771 said:My waist is at 34". My BMI came back at 18% so I'm cleared to enter I just really got to work on my running. Push-up and sit-up I'm fine. Whats this "bike" you guys keep talkin about??
xxxotiknightz;1058604 said:Well, it finally happened. After a long time and alot of paper work I've finally gotten DEPed in and I'm waiting to ship.
xxxotiknightz;834222 said:Well, I've decided after several months of no success in finding a good job here in TN that it's time for my true calling. As of the first of the year I will be getting ready to ship out to basic for United States Air Force. I will be joining as a PFC and working as a Jet engine mechanic. I've got to lose some weight first cause the my rec. says I'm kinda heavy. (fat) So time to crash diet and run my ass off. But I'll stay in the supra ring, I just may be incommunicato for a little while.
mnsupraboy;1059136 said:not a bad choice! i am still debating joining, i got an 83 on the ASVAB and i want to do that same thing! i love mechanics... im just nervous i guess. thats the only thing holding me back
but the benefits are hella tight. paid colledge, live on base for free (or around for a reduced rate) excelent retirment after 20 years....
ForcedTorque;1059153 said:Good Luck! And check in whenever you get a chance. You won't be forgotten.
Congrats Titus on getting on the Delayed Enlistment. I was on the DEP for 7 months. But, I chose my date of entry. That's why I was on the DEP for so long.xxxotiknightz;1058604 said:Well, it finally happened. After a long time and alot of paper work I've finally gotten DEPed in and I'm waiting to ship.
I've been doing aircraft maintenance for almost 8 years and it is a lot of fun. As for living off base, it isn't a reduced rate. They just give you a decent chunk of change for housing allowance. Only downfall about moving offbase is you either have to be a SrA (Senior Airman/E-4) or get married.mnsupraboy;1059136 said:not a bad choice! i am still debating joining, i got an 83 on the ASVAB and i want to do that same thing! i love mechanics... im just nervous i guess. thats the only thing holding me back
but the benefits are hella tight. paid colledge, live on base for free (or around for a reduced rate) excelent retirment after 20 years....
It's gonna take a little while to become an officer if you chose to be enlisted. You have to finish all your training and be on station for quite a while before you are even allowed to start your schooling. But, if that is what you want to do, stick with it and don't give up.wchico15;1061074 said:this is a great thread. im 17 and a senior in high school, and i've made my decision of joing the usaf. as a matter of fact i have to loose weight too! i want to go officer and eventually become a fighter pilot. but from what i've heard its not easy and you have to choose the right route to get that slot. i've been in jrotc now for 3 yrs and i heard thats all thats required to join as a AFC. gotta loose the wieght though. im about 5 9" 210lbs. massive love handles, thats gonna be a bitch to get rid of. i used to play soccer and we would condition before season and run like 4 + miles daily, thats gonna be fun to do again.
It's A1C (Airman First Class)xxxotiknightz;1061314 said:Well, you basically wanting to do what I am. Yes jrotc does get you the rank of AFC,
jdub;1061972 said:Pretty sure you still get the GI bill
There's some nice improvements in the works (soon to be implemented) too!