Hurlburt Field - "tip of the spear" - they started mandatory PT for my unit [flightline maintenance] in early 2003, if not earlier, as I recall. Later they found some people were trying to skip out, so they made sign-in mandatory as well. They would have people sign in on a computer with their SSN, one at a time. Some people found a way to disappear between the stretching, pushups, situps, flutter-kicks, etc portion and the run.. so they made people sign in on the computer - and then sign their name on a sheet of paper when they were done with everything. As I recall, they really nailed the people who showed up on the first, but not the last.
It is good that the Air Force adopted a real PT program. I have been out for over a year now, and most people that I work with are prior Marines. They get really high and mighty about AF PT until you tell them that they changed all of that, and that the ergometry/life-cycle are no more, and has not been the standard for years. Then they find something else to TRY and jokingly belittle you about. To tell you the truth, I can't remember using "the bike" past year 2000.
You say that "it's only going to get worse", but that is only the case for those who fail to meet the standards. IMO, the more people who actually go to PT and make an effort will only make things better for the Air Force. People who make no progress up to acceptable standards after given a fair amount of time to improve need to be forced out, or to retire, to make way for new people who are willing to go the extra mile - literally.