Jesus Christ

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Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
im jewish... i thought the hitler and jesus one was funny.... i have a sense of humor and i realize its a joke....

debating religion isnt a problem.... and what this thread STARTED AS.... was an obvious joke....if everyone who got way offended for no reason that turned this into a large relgious debate....

bottom line is lack of censorship is more important the religion on a public forum....this thread wont be deleted...if you dont like it then dont come look at it anymore....feel free to post ay other threads you want....

also...feel free to debate religions and the differences or lack thereof....just remember no personal attacks.


So just opened up this thread, and damn, I can't believe the mods let this thread go on for this long... peace out to supramania...


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
tte said:
Yeah, what Malloynx said...Its all about respect for our fellow supra owners.

But if people do not want to do that, then why dont everybody post pictures and threads that they think is funny but know it will offend others. I am sure we have a broad.........................................

Even if I don't agree fully with it, this was very well said Roy. While religious belief is at the core of this. I do believe the respect thing is what set people on sides. Someone saw something they, in there humor thought was funny. No harm done. They thought it was funny and decided to share it. Some people agreed and some didn't. The real issue arose when someone decided to disrespect one person’s point of view, tell him he had bad taste and then state that he would delete this thread with out any regard for said individual. This initial show of disrespect, this baring of teeth if you will, made people jump on a side in order to defend their view. At this point either side will probably not give in because there is an imbalance in the respect shown. Now either side is going to hold there ground because they feel they are in the right and that the other side is being irrational.

Though if you look at it both sides have very good and rational points. The freedom of speech is a very good one. A Man should not be limited in what he can say. He should have the right to say what he feels, weather his remarks are intelligent, or stupid, religious of political. He should never be limited in what he can say. On the same token if he has the right to say whatever he likes, he should not be allowed to limit what another man can or cannot say. If you tell him that he cannot say one thing against your religion then you should not be able to say one thing for your religion. And nobody gets anywhere. So freedom of speech should be preserved.

However there is also simple decency and civility. Something I like to think this forum is built on. We are not barbarians (well at least not on week days), we are a civilized people. We are capable of being intelligent. We need to understand that we are not alone. We are surrounded by people of different ideas and beliefs. Respecting those ideals so that they can respect ours is important. I think it has been made pretty clear that a decent amount of the members find this offensive. Since that this is a forum for the members some sort of agreement should be reached. This is considered a work safe forum so throw a “NRS” before the title. “Not Religion Safe” or links to the sites that have these, rather than post them here. A picture can speak a thousand words. Did it speak one to many? Is freedom of pictures different from freedom of speech?

But, limiting what a person can say should not be restricted or moderated. We are not SupraForums here. CK and Ideal are right for sticking up so strongly for each person’s right to post here. They are standing up for the right to post for those who are for, and those who are against this thread. Both are welcome to post here. Both can state there views.
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Bay Area Supras
Apr 1, 2005
Bay Area, CA
you have to realise not everyone feels the same way as you about god. some people worship their cars, or sports teams even! you post a picture making fun of a sports team, shoul it be closed because it offends those people who's entire lives revolve around that team? basing their whole life around a sports team? sounds funny or rediculus, look in the mirror, religion is no different.

time for people to start using their minds instead of following blindly.

oh, and this should have been closed. under the constitution freedom of speech is proctected, but hateful speech that can cause violent reactions is not protected. this forums is not ruled by the constitution, but this is just something to think about.

just delete the thread, not worth it and not all the funny anyways.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
This thread is DONE. Furthermore...

This thread has caused *ME* more headaches in the last two days than the rest of the forum put together for the last year. Not because I support one side or the other, but because I'm thoroughly disqusted with BOTH sides complete inability to communicate like reasonable human beings.

I've seen better solutions on playgrounds in gradeschool.

The mod team is supposed to be objective - and in this case, that means staying out of debates that we all know cannot achieve anything but discord.

The folks posting material specifically to offend others need to grow up. Take this elsewhere, I don't want this trash in my yard, and I don't think the vast majority of our members do either. If someone tells me that I'm being offensive, and I didn't mean to, I'll amend my posts, no big deal. If I DID mean to, I'm trolling.

Last, and in this case I think least, those people who were offended need to find some strategies to deal with the fact that there isn't always an admin ready and willing to censor your life on the internet.

PS: There are some reasonable posts in this thread - that were completely ignored by the combatants, and I say Thank You to those people. IMO these people are the ray of light at the end of the tunnel.
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