Jesus Christ

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Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA

Common, she's all over the internet!


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
John Lunsford said:
My guess is you're a left wing bleeding heart liberal that believes in nothing but what's convenient for you. It is pointless to argue with people such as yourself because you are self righteous, therefore everyone but you is wrong no matter what they say.

.... guess u didnt read what i posted, you should have it actually says the exact opposite of what u have just said above.

John Lunsford said:
that believes in nothing but what's convenient for you.
u must have not caught the 500+ hours of community service did you?

i'm not going to even go there with the liberal comment, its just to stupid.

John Lunsford said:
The native American is proud an unyielding in his beliefs, as am I. He may have died for his beliefs or for defending them, as would I. Whatever happened to him, I'm not the one that did it, so don't try and go there. How about you, Mr. boy scout? Are you gay? We do have a lot of gay boy scout leaders nowadays. Does this question offend you? Is this why the 'nads in the face' picture don't offend you? Does this make you mad at all? It shouldn't bother you, according to people like you this is perfectly fine and should offend no one. We all know that homosexuality is perfectly acceptable to the left wing liberals, like yourself, at least as long as it's convenient for you. Do I have you wrong? You are painting a pretty good picture of yourself. Wait a minute, I guess I'm the one that's wrong here. After all, I'm speaking up for what I believe and in this country that is the one thing you are not supposed to do, at least if you are a Christian. You are supposed to just sit back and take it. That's what you would like isn't it?

wow u must be a strong christian. As for the gay comment doesnt offend me, just another sterio type people put on others. and also gays dont choose (well i guess some do) to be gay its a proven scientific fact that there is to much of the "female genes" in them.
and as for sitting back and taking yea, your supposed to. the musilims do it or they are supposed to, people get pissed when they get mad about getting sterio typed, but noo, us americans say STFU and sit the fuck down and get over it.
in this country you are supposed to stand up and speak your mind, not act like someone just shot you in the chest, over something as mild as this thread.
If you want to debate the topic, debate. dont start to get pissed because you have nothing better to say, so you attack me directly. I've said nothing that should offend you in anyway, I've mearly stated my stand point on this issue.

srry Ideal and CK srry to start back up.

Supra Blues

Virgin Booster
Mar 30, 2005
I am not a huge fan of the Jesus pics, but free speech is free speech. I thought they were tasteless and didn't find them very funny.

I agree with the mods here though, it's free speech, and shouldn't be deleted.

The responses are getting pretty damn creative and funny though.:biglaugh:

And, when God judges Johhny Redline, he will remember this thread. Hehe....
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