Indiana members Paintball outting... Date TBA?


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
Some of the n00bs over on IndianaImpreza are organizing a paintball gathering, date is TBA.

From the original post there:
I am setting the date arbitrarily. Once we decide on the amount of interest we will work on a date.

Would there be any interest in scheduling a group game at Paintball Indiana? I think it would be a lot of fun, and give me a reason to get back out and play again. I know there are other members on here that play and other members that have probably thought about it.

Cost is $25 per person and this includes all necessary rental equipment (gun, mask, tank, and 3 pod pack). You can bring your own equipment and play with that, but it is Field Paint only. Paint runs $15 per 500 rounds. There is no time limit. So we can start as early as we want, and basically play until the cows come home.

I would request (require) that after all of the details are worked out, that any person that wants to play pay their $25 entry fee in advance. Why? Because there is a 10 person ($250) minimum, and we all know that for every 3 people that say they will attend something, only 1 shows up. There would be a greater turn out (and less people flaking) if they've already handed over their $25. There is also the matter of it being a $250 minimum; which means if 5 people show up, it's $50 a head.

Group Game specific information can be found here:

I'm just throwing this out there. If anyone is interested, let's get the ball rolling.

So I ran the idea by them of possibly a Supra vs. Subaru game...

LMK what you think and possible dates that would work for you. It's gonna be $25, prepay.


New Member
Apr 6, 2007
Norwalk, IA
damn maybe ill drive from iowa to play :) i could deffinately help the supra team out. Before I had my supra all there was in my life was paintball. I still have my old Dye DMC layin around.