I'm the dumbest supra owner ever

Frank Rizzo

Jul 25, 2007
Fixing your girl's car
Okey dokey, $652 later and its all better now. RUns perfect. Actually it sounds a little louder but that could be the placebo effect taking control.

Now starts the legal battle. I will not stop until A: I get $652 back from CRC (plus the $6 for their shit cleaner) B: They take CRC MAF cleaner off every shelf across the world or C: Put a label on the can that says "Do NOT use on 87-92 turbo supra MAF's".

Thanks again for all the support and advice even though I didn't take any of it LOL!


Supra Maniak
Jun 13, 2007
So Cal
Hey it's ok man i did the same thing except i used simple green HAHAHA man did that suck it took about a month for me to find an MAF for my Turbo Supra.

Just ask some of the guys here they might have one.

I got mine for 160 at a place called TOYSPORT here in CAlifornia

A rebuilt one cost over 200 they don't make new ones for our cars

Just keep looking
BTW the car will have black smoke it stumbles big time when you touch throttle and will die if you don't keep your RPMS up

Also it will run great because it gets more fuel
yeah we ran it in that condition :naughty:

So just keep looking


Supramania Contributor
Jul 1, 2005
Newark, New Jersey, United States
Frank Rizzo said:
mkIIIman089- Yeah I agree, thats part of the reason I go to the dealer, buy it right, buy it once.

And just a fyi my price is $652, I put $200 down so I have to pay $452 when I pick it up.

I really wanted a fluidyne radiator too, mother........

dude send me 300 and i will get you a used one overnighted..... send me the 200 now n u can have it 2 day???


Supra Maniak
Jun 13, 2007
So Cal
Hey it's ok man i did the same thing except i used simple green HAHAHA man did that suck it took about a month for me to find an MAF for my Turbo Supra.

Just ask some of the guys here they might have one.

I got mine for 160 at a place called TOYSPORT here in CAlifornia

A rebuilt one cost over 200 they don't make new ones for our cars

Just keep looking
BTW the car will have black smoke it stumbles big time when you touch throttle and will die if you don't keep your RPMS up

Also it will run great because it gets more fuel
yeah we ran it in that condition :naughty:

So just keep looking

WOW over 600 bucks
all i have to say is


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
Frank Rizzo said:
Now starts the legal battle. I will not stop until A: I get $652 back from CRC (plus the $6 for their shit cleaner) B: They take CRC MAF cleaner off every shelf across the world or C: Put a label on the can that says "Do NOT use on 87-92 turbo supra MAF's".

All I can tell is you good luck...


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
Yikes. I never thought you'd really go the dealer route but it's your car, your money, your choice. Fwiw I would've sold you one for a lot less and trust me, it would have been as good as new. I would've even calibrated it for you. Glad you got it working though.

PS: It's not a MAF ;)


New Member
Apr 26, 2005
San Diego
talking about dumb, i did the same too but i use WD40 :3d_frown:
the dealer wanted the same price so i got a used one for $250.
It was used but it sure beat the dealer price. :naughty:
It will be something i will never forget.


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
mkIIIman089 said:
This doesn't seem to be sinking in for some reason. LOL

And that's exactly why he'll not win the law suit, it's not a MAF. How can you win a lawsuit on using a MAF cleaning product on an AFM? :dunno:

If it goes to a lawsuit, that's the first thing the company will research, they find out that the Mk3 supra has an AFM and not a MAF, then you just wasted your time and money by trying to sue.

Frank Rizzo

Jul 25, 2007
Fixing your girl's car
mkIIIman089 said:
This doesn't seem to be sinking in for some reason. LOL

Yeah I'm pretty thick. So it is an Air flow meter? Whats the difference between that and a Mass air flow sensor? Someone called it a Karman sensor, I think it was you. But the supra's AFM has the temperature sensor built into it so I don't get it.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Right, but it has a separate speed (the Karman part) and temp sensor. On a "hotwire" (MAF) sensor, basically just as it sounds has a heated wire. As it is cooled by the passing air (which will vary by the speed and temp) it will effectively get an air mass reading, instead of having to calculate it from 2 separate sensors.

Here is a little more specific explanation via good ol' wikipedia.

A hot wire mass airflow sensor determines the mass of air flowing into the engine’s air intake system. This is achieved by heating a wire with an electric current that is suspended in the engine’s air stream, not unlike a toaster wire. The wire's electrical resistance increases with the wire’s temperature, which limits electrical current flowing through the circuit. When air flows past the wire, the wire cools decreasing its resistance, which in turn allows more current to flow through the circuit. As more current flows, the wire’s temperature increases until the resistance reaches equilibrium again. The amount of current required to maintain the wire’s electrical resistance is directly proportional to the mass of air flowing past the wire. The integrated electronic circuit converts the measurement of current into a voltage signal which is sent to the ECU.

If air density increases due to a pressure or temperature change, but the air volume remains constant, the denser air will remove more heat from the wire indicating a higher mass airflow. Unlike the vane meter's paddle sensing element, the hot wire responds directly to air density. This sensor's capabilities are well suited to support the gasoline combustion process which fundamentally responds to air mass, not air volume. (See stoichiometric.)


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
if i saw this earlier and you were a NA i would have GIVEN you my NA afm for free. and if i were you, i would check the boards here or ask around if anyone has xyz part. those of us that own supras in CT are pretty well stocked :)


Formerly Nosechunks
Feb 25, 2006
Long Island, Ny
and to follow up MK3man's informative post...

The Mk3 Supra "AFM" METERS speed and temperature, reports back to the computer witch calculates air flow. Theres a small reflective film that vibrates when air moves past it, the higher the air speed, the higher the frequency. When you attempted to clean the AFM, most likely the film was damaged therefore the "speed" or frequency was either missing or erroneous.

Since the computer uses Speed and Temperature to Calculate airflow when one of those signals are missing airflow cannot be calculated, or is calculated at zero (based on a Zero Speed reading) totally throwing off fuel mixture and causing your results.

MAF sensors, Sence the density, speed, and temprature of the intake charge, calculate Air Flow and report airflow (grams/sec. or whatever they use) to the computer.

Air Flow Meters or AFM's, Meter speed and temperature, send that to the computer and let the computer come up with the Air flow reading based on the speed and temprature (and resulting density).