im so tired of attitudes here!!!!!!!


Need Rust Repair
Aug 24, 2005
Bryan, OH /Lima, OH
i guess the way i see when it comes to my car is if i want sarcasm ill got SF but when i want a true answer i expect it from here. There is a time and a place for sarcasm, but i dont it when im looking for an informative answer


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
THe only time I've ever had a problem w/ anyone, (yeah, just jumping in like everyone else), was the "what type of oil do you use" thread. I did what the thread asked... everyone posted 10w30 or w/e they used, and I put 20w50 and stated I wasn't having any problems and WHOA.... a member was on my ass like you wouldn't believe. I didn't recommend it to anyone or anything. I just got the whole "inside story" on oil. Oh, come to think of it, this also came up w/ the topic about getting oil tested. I asked about their own personal experiences about it, and got none. Just basically a " 'blah' you shouldn't say it's not a good idea because you don't even know and I get it done like... every thursday and.. you might keep another member from getting their oil tested and 'blah' " I think that if members are brain-dead enough to use the first tiny bit of information that is given to them on the forums, then they deserve to get whatever the hell happens to them/their car. If they're too lazy to search for actual answers, take some time to research (I know I don't do that), and whatever else could go along with that, then they obviously don't really care. If none of that made sense I appologize and I obviuously contradicted myself, but it's cool...

Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel. This forum IS better than the mkII forum though. People would probably literally eat you alive for posting an opinion about something that you couldn't back up with your precious facts/figures. :icon_bigg

But, I do like how everyone can laugh at me when I say my mkII > their mkIII. So I guess all in all, +1.5 for SM


276 whp - 324 tq @ 13psi
Oct 3, 2005
I didnt get a chance to read the whole thread, 5 pgs of this is alot... 2 pages is all i got throught. I just wanted to throw a couple pennies at the subject. Sometimes there is some ball busting, but thats life. Its all in fun but you will ALWAYS get atleast 2 answers on a subject in here. This is an amazing community and imo if you dont like it, just leave. Nobody here owes anyone anything and we should all be extremely grateful for everyone who makes this place possible. It's the inspiration and tool of a whole hell of a lot of supra owners. Getting some shit time to time is a small price to pay.
P.S. I think the mods do a great job of keeping people in line here.


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
SM = t3h r0><0rz. That is all.
In no way, shape, or form do I have any hesitation calling this place home.
As far as I'm concerned, any and all rough patches we have here and there are trivial at best and should be taken with a smile.


Jan 22, 2006
As a noobie i can say yeah there are some asshole responses but it really dependso n how you look at it/how it was typed. Like if my car's having specific symptoms and i ask you guys for your opinion, some will say "Bhg!" which is more then fine, now i can look into that specifically and find the problem, but others might say something along the lines of "Its a bhg asshole, search!!" so yeah, all depends on how the person types it and more importantly how the reader sees it, humor isnt always easy to express via text.


Jan 22, 2006
Oh also SM has NO problem at lal with the people, you guys are always so helpful to me, Just compare the responses on my 89+ grill in pre89 bumper on here compared to the one on the other site haha night and day,
here its "oh thats looking pretty nice" or "I still prefer the stock grill but thats cool for somethign different"
But there its junk like "oh thats gay" and "you wasted your time"

We're definatly keeping the positive helping family/community strong over here.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
MKivSupra_Rob said:
As a noobie i can say yeah there are some asshole responses but it really dependso n how you look at it/how it was typed. Like if my car's having specific symptoms and i ask you guys for your opinion, some will say "Bhg!" which is more then fine, now i can look into that specifically and find the problem, but others might say something along the lines of "Its a bhg asshole, search!!" so yeah, all depends on how the person types it and more importantly how the reader sees it, humor isnt always easy to express via text.

Damn well put,
some new people here may post crap up, but your going to get that when the site grows.


Feb 8, 2006
Kentucky (NKY)
I have had a small conflict too. I was offended and going to find another community. Then you have to realize things are miscommunicated and lack of details in threads etc. People have their own opinions and will respond how they feel. It's all good, this is a great community and their are conflicts bewteen people everywhere in everything we do. It's good you post here to vent to work out the issues though. Think of it as constructive critisim.


Use your GUY instinct
Apr 6, 2005
Oceanside (for now), CA
I didn't read much of anything after the initial post in this thread, but I know damn well what he's talking about.

I was recently categorized as a guy that doesn't know how to wire a fan, which was funny as hell to me. And of course, me being the way that I am, I gave the guy a good piece of my mind. I'm not going to call names out here but the guy that did it is an extremely arrogant, pompous ass.

I honestly could not care less if anybody dislikes me, even to the point of hate but if you judge me when you have no clue about me I'll most likely put you in your place.

I don't live my life the way I do to impress anybody and it's not going to change. A good saying that I like to live by is, "If you don't like me or my attitude, that's your problem, so stay away from me." I don't like dealing with people's sensitive little feelings, so if my straightforward and blunt attitude is too much for you, then don't pay any attention.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
suprra_girl said:
well i think when trivial stuff like this comes up we all just need to remember the april fools day joke

ya know.. the possibility that sm was gone

now feel the love of the sm community :)

Dont bring that up
I realized how much I use SM, that when i saw that, i felt a part of me die.

boost fiend

Jul 24, 2005
Rockford, Il
well, after a long night and some chilling out. i still about feel the same.

i refer to this place like its my house. i like to think of everyone here as family. most people will derail a thread at one point or another. thats human nature. but to go off the handle and unload, thats not cool.

others here have just posted that they too have had issues like this.

does it really bother me? no. why? because i really dont need half the info here. but if i have a thought or question about somthing i half ass understand, i should not expect to see a asshole remark.

sitting and reading a thread where people just go off on others is not woth my reading. so why is it being done?

its early and im still wakeing up.


New Member
May 12, 2005
I think this forum is great especially when one just visits other forums and compares. I don't have to throw out any names we have almost all visited other places and know what I mean. Just recently I learned something new here that ended up saving me time and money. If you are having a bad time with someone just take a short break from it and many times things will be better the next time. A lot of your perception of others in this forum is because of your own environment outside the forum and how you are treated on a day to day basis. What I am saying is nothing is perfect and we just need to deal with it and learn how to enjoy things more.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I was hoping for the same thing..............

Glad to see we're all one big happy family


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
suprahero said:
I was hoping for the same thing..............

Glad to see we're all one big happy family

Yes, but are you waiting for the group hug or waiting for someone to touch you in a bad place?

IJ would probably touch you in a bad place if you let him..:arcadefre