im so tired of attitudes here!!!!!!!


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Dammit, I've been avoiding that thread... because it was posted twice, AND I can't imagine someone silly enough to think running without a knock sensor is a good thing!

Now I'm going to have to go look. :(


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
It's a strange day when I become the voice of reason in a post concerning misinformation in the past I would have been jumping on heads with both feet!

I can see the "issue" from both sides and had hoped to resolve things in a friendly manner so it didn't escalate into a full on flame war....

I'll rethink how I handle this sort of thing in the future.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
IJ. said:
I'll rethink how I hande this sort of thing in the future.

And I think IJ nails it right on the head for EVERYONE involved.

The simple rule: THINK BEFORE YOU POST!

If you are stating opinion, say so.

If you are unsure of your statement, either don't post it or say you are unsure.

If you are going to post information, be prepared to back it up with facts, figures and diagrams if necessary.

If you are about to post a harsh reply, think about it for a minute. Is your harshness going to get in the way of the valid things you are about to say?

In the rules for this forum, there is a little suggestion section:

Supramania Rules said:
Be Civil - This is a public forum with real people. Respect is still possible, and required among members with differing views.

Don't say anything via this message board that you wouldn't say if the receiving person was standing right in front of you. Visualize that person holding a large axe raised above their head if that will remind you to re-read a post before sending it.

Just think a little guys, on both sides of the fence. If you do SM will be a better place and everyone will be happier too.

boost fiend

Jul 24, 2005
Rockford, Il
now lets throw that thread out of sight and look into how some people have responded to others.

i dont know everything and i dont claim to. i have never claimed anything i have said is gospil. but, if we are getting a bunch of newbies asking questios and newbies answering questions????????

when i repily, i only repily with affects that MY CAR HAS ENCOUNTERD!!!!! nor have i ever jumped and been a ass and tole some one thats how it has to be done.

yeah, i grew up with carbs, i really dont like fi(ya can search, probably lost by now but i got flamed for it. do you think i really care, HELL NO! carb FTW!) give me a carb ill answer any question you have. hand me fuel injection, i can do diag and test sensors all day long. but whos to say that a non sensored part could not cause a issue with a sensor (i have seen it about 20 times a week at the shop!! no one can tell me that it has not happend to them too!) you give a computer control of a motor and a fool the keys and tools to run it, yes there could be a issue. that does not mean some have to jump all over the "blind" because thay dont know what we know.

if i know how to find things, the rest of you can too

look for it. it in front of you. you just have to find it.


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
Fantastic then. There are attitudes, yes. But we're all level headed individuals, and in past threads i have been "the bad guy" but only after the question was answered.
The only thing i see is lighthearted funning. (<that's not a word... yet, there it is. ) People really need to chill out and realize it's the internet.
I will be the voice of reason, too. It's all fun and games after the question has been answered.
Someone please cite me a specific thread where someone asked a question and the first 5 answers were non-informational, and said something to the effect of "search".
Hell, I'll tell someone to search, but I will answer the question. I'll make it a point to say "Hey man, if you searched, you could've easily found it. But here's the answer anyhow. Just do us all a favor and try to do a semi-thorough search in the future"

It's the repeat offenders that I have no sympathy for, honestly, and really don't mind being a bit rough with my words, but I am never belligerent.

Like it or not, the small amount of "flaming" that goes on here hardly constitutes a thread like this. Attitudes are fine, we're all lighthearted people that need to be taken with a grain or two of salt, so lighten up.

boost fiend

Jul 24, 2005
Rockford, Il
i can lighten up. and i have. i have even told people to search when i had no answer or just not posted.

i have read the rules about posting, has everyone else? what if a 6' 160 pound skin head were in your face with a hatched above your head? would you talk shit then?

beyond that point, there are rules, i have kept up and so have others. now, why is it that some just cant seem to follow them. its respect. you play nice and ill do the same. i dont like to be a dick, but after this morning, all hell just broke loose as far as im concerned.

pm's have been sent. and if you have a issue with me or my info, find me.

not too hard to do is it?


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
I just ask myself before posting "Does my post help/contribute" if yes I hit reply if not I delete it!

Quite a few times I type something out then read it before hitting the button only to think how others could possibly misinterpret it and what the fallout will be!

I'll have a friendly dig at members after an issue has been answered correctly but if they rag up and get hurt I'll pull back as the written word is so often misunderstood and humour doesn't always travel well!

It doesn't matter if it's a Newbie or an Oldtimer posting an answer to a question I urge everyone to fact check so their answer is accurate as a lot of people do use SM as tech support and I'm shocked at some of the Urban Myth's that refuse to die and are posted as fact.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I have just read this entire thread. I agree with you some boost fiend. Sometimes people are a little harsh on here, but two of my favorite people on here are IJ and JetJock. They are two of the most knowlegeable (if that is spelled wrong I apologize IJ) people on here and they have both helped me numerous times. It's good that you speak your mind and maybe you think your sticking up for everyone, and maybe you are, but I KNOW this place is better than the other forums. Hopefully everything has worked itself out. I know sometimes what you type doesn't turn out like you thought. I've posted a few times on here and had people cuss me out because it sounded like I was being a smartass. It was just my lame attempt at humor and I ended up apologizing to the people it offended. I didn't mean anything, it just didn't read like I thought it would. Just my two cents worth, and it's probably only worth a to all members.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
I feel compelled to point out that I always strive for a higher standard than comparing here to other forums, as that's a standard that changes rapidly and unpredictably.

I know other forums that are better run and more polite, and I know many that are downright nasty.

I want to be part of a community that I'm not embarrased to call my home. I want to feel good about inviting everyone here to visit my house, sleep in my guest room, eat off my BBQ, and not be embarrased about what might be said in front of my friends and family.

The vast majority of the people here I have zero concerns with. Even the rare people that I have some concerns with aren't big enough to worry about.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
I try to treat people how I expect to be treated nothing more nothing less.

A lot of people on the net lose sight of the fact you're interacting with real people and tend to say things they otherwise wouldn't face to face.

SM is a cut above the rest as far as a sense of community goes.


Sep 12, 2005
not to jump in the thread but depending on who i talk to my answer is diffrent. i mean if it is a straight up question just answer it but if i feel like i know that this person doesnt have a problem with me and i know how the person would react such as with humor or humor and an answer my posts very..

i wouldnt want to mention anynames but for on lets say wit IJ lol sry man, but when i post something after he does i know i can get funny and lame beacsue he understands it <to me this is how i feel> and i know ill either get a humor post back or something with a flame towards my way but in a funny way. But i only do that becasue of the understanding within my self of that person/membors reactions..

hope that makes sense on my behalf:)


Supramania Contributor
Aug 15, 2005
Naples, FL
Yellow 13 said:
This place is a godsend compared to

Hell yes. I know I'm not around too much, but I don't ever think I've been offended by anyone here, even when I've posted "misinformation"... but then I may get "specal treatment" :nono: for being a girl.

I really think this forum is very helpful, and most of the members are very courteous (when they bother to reply, lol)