I'm applying to UC's.......


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County

I have a 3.6ish accumulative...and 4.0 last semester so...i'm close.

the way you put it makes it sound like its impossible to get into college...i have to say its rather discouraging.

Davis is closest, then Berkeley. I live up north in Humboldt so they are all a good distance from me.

UCLA - hot climate...i dunno. i'd rather be colder than hotter because i'm cold right now what its what i'm used to.

how do/did you like going to Cal Poly?


The Family Man
Mar 30, 2005
Orange County, CA
I graduated 20 years ago.

A guy at work just got his son into Cal Poly Pomona. He lives in Riverside. His son has a 4.0 GPA and just made it to Cal Poly Pomona because he is half hispanic. If he wasn't half hispanic, he would have not been admitted. So yeah, its very discouraging. But that's a State Collage. I don't know if the UCs are zoned like the State Collages.

My sister went to Davis before transfering to USC. Its an agriculature school. Nothing out there.

Berkeley would be great if you can get in and you like that "nerdy" kind of school. I think out of all the UCs, Berkeley carries the highest prestige.

I liked Cal Poly. I wasn't into the collage scene so Cal Poly was great for me. I guess its more hands on than the UCs like someone posted. The Aerospace Engineering department has 2 subsonic wind tunnels and a supersonic wind tunnel. You have an engineering lab almost every quarter, at least Aero did. Then there were physics labs. I took one physics lab that was titled Solid State Physics. I thought it was a solid state electronic lab. It turned out to be a lab dealing with microwaves and radiation. I even took a nuclear physics lab. Yeah, the school has a nuclear reactor in one of the classrooms. Its not really a reactor when you think of a reactor. It was just some uranium in a tank. I don't know if its there still. I would imagine not these days. Cal Poly Pomona is in......... Pomona, and it gets hot in Pomona. You have the smell of live stock because one of the other things Cal Poly is know for is agriculture and farming.

Good luck.
If you can't get in a UC or CSU then at least go to your local JC. You might have to go to a JC until your name comes up for admission to the collage you want.


Yup, Thats The G/F
Jul 14, 2006
Bay Area, Ca
Yeah, seriously it sounds impossible to get into any decent colleges.
Those are the same grades as me Figit, can I ask what your SAT Reasoning & SATII Math2 was?
I'm looking at mechanical engineering, and at the UC sys. BTW, if you haven't gotten around to applying to UCSD and you plan to, its more complicated than the rest cuz u have to choose a sub college, its really, really weird. I'm in the middle of deciding on those right now. I know SD isn't a huge eng school, but I love SoCal, so I figured I'd apply there as well and see where I get accepted.

And thanks guys for talking about CalPoly, that kinda was off my radar but I think I'll look into it some more, it sounds kinda interesting, but I'd also like the prestige of a good school.
Sorry, hope I'm not hijacking this too much Figit.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
i totally forgot to mention that i'm talking about San Louis Obispo. i've heard its better for engineering and more centered....plus that looks to be true on paper when comparing their majors lists side-by-side.

Bluemax- what do you do now?

Sat score overall was 1770. decent i guess. how about you? i'd rather not say my sat2 math, i dont like it and i'm retaking it this weekend...yikes...

i think i have a decent chance getting into the colleges i'm applying to, and its not just grades that get you in.....so i'll make my statment for UC's nice.

any more info on Berkely and Davis would be great unless there are others within that list (first post) that are good for engineering. thanks again!


Yup, Thats The G/F
Jul 14, 2006
Bay Area, Ca
Mine were 2080 and math2 was 600-I'm retaking it Sat as well.
I'm not friends w/ the UC's online applications. Like, at all. And yeah, good thing there is more than grades to get in lol.

BTW, I've liked having these threads to read, they're pretty helpful. Good luck man!


The Family Man
Mar 30, 2005
Orange County, CA
Cal Poly San Louis Obisbo (SLO) might be easier to get into because its kind of out of the way. But than it might not because it's not near a lot of major collages. I don't know much about it and I don't know anyone who graduated from it. It is the sister school to Cal Poly Pomona.

I fix commercial jet airplanes for a living. Structures and flight controls to be more exact. Not an exciting job, but someone's got to do it.

Its way harder (and much more expensive) these days to go to a UC or CSU school these days. I feel sorry for all of you attempting to get a good higher education in California.

Good luck guys.


Jul 5, 2006
lol every car guy wants to be an engineer i am going to transfer out to virginia poly tech for mechanical engineering in about year and a half getting my associates in engineer so i can transfer stay 2 years and get a bachelors cheaper this way


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
Alllrighty then, i just applied to UCLA, Davis, and Berkeley. wish me luck guys. I wish all those applying to college this year the best of luck!! and i greatly thank all of you for helping me with the UC portion of my college apps. i would have narrowed it down to less than 3 but i was on the spot and 60 dollars is worth it to me in order not to take any risks. I liked the looks of all the colleges though so its not like i waisted it. thanks again.



Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
I feel like crap now though because I forgot about CSU Cal Poly SLO because my internet flaked out AGAIN and i freaking HATE SBC because of it. i was in a hurry just to get UC apps in. now i missed applying to calpoly by 1 hour and 45 f'ing minutes and i dont know what to do. i emailed their admissions office, tomorrow i'll call maybe. hopefully they'll be gracious about this :( :( :(


Yup, Thats The G/F
Jul 14, 2006
Bay Area, Ca
Damn, that sucks. Idk if my UC got accepted either, I was having some issues w/ my network so to get around it it took like 10 extra mins. And right as I was about submit I realized I forgot to include my Japanese classes.
I was finished submitting at 12.01am. But my digital sig was accepted 11.30.06.
Soooo who knows, I need to call them today.

I really hope both of ours get accepted. These similarities are weird lol.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
yeah just a bit. i've had some crazy stuff happen on here... i reunited with an old friend i havent seen in 7 years because his good friend happens to drive a supra....

but anyway..i'm not worried, i submitetd at 12:45 and i dont know of this digital sig? does it tell you when you applied? i even got an email stating my appilcation submission was successful, along with the webside telling me so.

i hate entering classes....and it was weird entering 7th and 8th grade algebra 1/1b...


Sep 27, 2005
Seattle, Wa
aww i missed this one, I would have said

1.Caltech-my GF goes there so im a bit biased
2.Stanford-dunno why

good luck on your admissions!


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
Well i applied to UCLA and i am seriously thinking about applying to caltech! stanford is on the list as well but it would probably be very difficult, i would be getting in mostly on my personal things than my grades. my grades are good and on the high side but nothing like valedictorian or anything, so i'd be getting on on my personality and qualities rather than perfect grades.

according to univ. websites though, that is something some look for...so i think i'll apply.

you're not too late though, any info on stanford and caltech would be great, UCLA too even because I havent picked a college yet and if i get accepted i might still need help deciding... thats part of why i applied to Davis Berkeley and UCLA...

it'd be great if you checked out my thread on all colleges, not just UC's...since i've already applied.



The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
Heh, I think you guys are stressing too much over this. If you like a school, get the application, pay the like $20-30 processing fee, submit the essay and move on! I applied to 4 colleges; Florida State, University of Florida, The Citadel and Embry-Riddle. I submitted the same essay to all 4 schools (just changed school name, school mascot and joke based on school name) and I was accepted to all 4.

They're either gonna take you or they're not, so if the school interests you, go for it. There's no law saying that you can't decline your acceptance if you get into a school higher on your list.

On another note, we're (Florida State) playing UCLA in the Emerald Bowl (I've never heard of this one, haha) and UCLA is gonna absolutely rape us!!!


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
JustAnotherVictim said:
Processing is like $55 man not $20-30.
At least it was when I did it.

Nah for me, it was definitely no more than $30 when I did it (cause the money came out of my pocket, hah)


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
Any amount to look at an application is BS, but I'm sure you already know this, most schools are out to get as much money from students/possibe students as possible