I'm an idiot!


New Member
May 4, 2007
Hey guys,

I can't believe how dumb I am. I keep procrastinating with checking my oil level and topping it up. The last few weeks i have not bothered because I moved places and dont have a level place at home or work to check the level. And I couldn't just drive somewhere because the engine has to be cold right?

Anyway I managed to find a place and so I left it for a few hours. I came back checked the level and there was NOTHING showing on the stick! I had to put in about 2.5L to get to near full mark. :3d_frown:

My question is.. how bad is this for the car, say its been like this for 2months. I hope its not too bad. Makes me wonder if this has been contributing to my BHG.

Let me know exactly how bad this is, don't make me feel better about it please.:1zhelp:

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naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
You sir are a complete moron...................:biglaugh:

My car doesn't leak or use any oil, but I still check it almost everytime I get in it. I don't know why I do it, but it only takes me about one minute tops and it gives me peace of mind. You should have a quart too much in there and definately not two quarts shy. Hopefully you didn't hurt the motor too bad. Is it knocking? Don't let it happen again.

If the motor is hot or warm when you remember to check it, check it anyways. If the ground is unlevel.........check it anyways. At least make sure you have some oil in it. Good luck.........you're going to need it.


New Member
May 4, 2007
Thanks mate, I need to hear how stupid it is. I got lazy cause I'd check it more often but it was always pretty good. But with it leaking on the ground all the time I should have checked.

YES, it is knocking, just in the last month. I had no idea what it was. Can you tell me? Its coming from the top of the engine. Is it unrepairable?


Apr 8, 2006
The Grassy Knole
Alright Nigma.

Don't go getting goofy on us. The oil thing is a symptom of bhg.
I would be willing to bet you it's number 6 that you have starved.

Switch up to 10w40 with your next change. That may help you. Don't honey the oil, or add something like lucas to help it. Unless you want to it may help but it's hard to say.

At minimum you should check it everytime you fill up or get gas.

When mine runs I check it every morning and sometimes at night also.


New Member
May 4, 2007
suprahero said:
It is repairable, but not near as easily as checking your oil. Do a search on rod knock and see what you can find. First add one extra quart of oil to your engine and see if it continues to knock. I'm pretty sure you've waited too long, but I hope for the best.


Does something bend or what actually happens, how does the TSRM refer to it?

What does it sound like? Where does it come from? Mine starts at around 3000rpm.

I'll let you tonight after I drive it home whether I can still hear it.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
supramacist said:
When mine runs I check it every morning and sometimes at night also.

:biglaugh: ..........is that sarcasm or does your supra regurlarly fail you? Hopefully it's sarcasm.


New Member
May 4, 2007
supramacist said:
Alright Nigma.

Don't go getting goofy on us. The oil thing is a symptom of bhg.
I would be willing to bet you it's number 6 that you have starved.

Switch up to 10w40 with your next change. That may help you. Don't honey the oil, or add something like lucas to help it. Unless you want to it may help but it's hard to say.

At minimum you should check it everytime you fill up or get gas.

When mine runs I check it every morning and sometimes at night also.

Thanks mate, but what does "Don't honey the oil" mean?


whats "number 6"

Sorry, I'm a big newb


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
He's telling you to not put any Lucas oil addidtive or any STP quick fixes in there.

Number 6 is your sixth cylinder.
I don't know anything about why a bhg would make your car knock. I haven't seen your car so I can't give you a diagnosis. All I can tell you is your car needs oil very badly. Don't drive it home tonight if it is low.


New Member
May 4, 2007
suprahero said:
He's telling you to not put any Lucas oil addidtive or any STP quick fixes in there.

Number 6 is your sixth cylinder.
I don't know anything about why a bhg would make your car knock. I haven't seen your car so I can't give you a diagnosis. All I can tell you is your car needs oil very badly. Don't drive it home tonight if it is low.

Thanks for the translation,

Its topped up now just under the FULL mark. So it doesn't matter if the car isn't cold? I will get used to checking it every time I get fuel(gas for you americans).

You can't give me a simple idea of what it a rod knock sounds like?


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
You should be able to tell if it's knocking. It's going to tap kind of loud when you crank it up and it's going to speed up a little bit when you rev it higher. You can find a video or two on here or on Utube if you search. I've seen some on here before.

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
NiGMa said:
YES, it is knocking, just in the last month. I had no idea what it was. Can you tell me? Its coming from the top of the engine. Is it unrepairable?

Like Jay said, yes; repairable. But you're looking at rebuilding the block - not the head - because that's where the knock is likely coming from. This means main & rod bearings, piston rings while you're at it, some machine work, spending a few dollars on the head while it's off, good time to replace the hoses, belts, etc. So this means one of three options:

1. Have a reputable shop do a rebuild
2. Buy a new (ie good, used) long block and do some prudent PM on it before you drop it in
3. Learn how an engine works and do the bulk of the work yourself (a little direct help from somebody who has done this kind of job would be very helpful here).

For those of you who are much better at this game than me, does that pretty much sum it up?


New Member
May 4, 2007
suprahero said:
You should be able to tell if it's knocking. It's going to tap kind of loud when you crank it up and it's going to speed up a little bit when you rev it higher. You can find a video or two on here or on Utube if you search. I've seen some on here before.

I hear tapping but its coming from the top of the engine, from what I know rod knock is talking about stuff way down.

I'll have a look at those vids on youtube.

Thanks a heap for the help guys.


That Aussie Chick
Aug 18, 2006
Aussie Land
Shit NiGMa, i really hope you've learnt your lesson... I'm a noob as well, and i am also a chick, but i still check it everytime i drive it, just to be on the safe side... I'm not rubbing it in, but it makes me sad when a car like the MkIII isn't looked after like it should be :( :( :(

I really hope you've caught it in time, and is it bad of me to ask you to post up more info on what you find in regards to the damage done???

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
Not to dumb this down or anything, but you aren't hearing the ticking of the injectors firing are you? They are pretty easy to hear at idle. Rod knock generally happens as you rev the engine around 2500 rpm or so, I believe.


New Member
May 4, 2007
LilMissMkIII said:
Shit NiGMa, i really hope you've learnt your lesson... I'm a noob as well, and i am also a chick, but i still check it everytime i drive it, just to be on the safe side... I'm not rubbing it in, but it makes me sad when a car like the MkIII isn't looked after like it should be :( :( :(

I really hope you've caught it in time, and is it bad of me to ask you to post up more info on what you find in regards to the damage done???

You know what makes it worse? this is the second time for me!! :cry:

I will definately learn my lesson this time. I'm just a really care free kinda guy, but I guess thats gotta change for my cars sake.

It makes it worse cause I was trying to keep everything going good, I'd work on the car every couple weekends, I just didn't realise how easy it is for things to go wrong.

Shytheed Dumas said:
Not to dumb this down or anything, but you aren't hearing the ticking of the injectors firing are you? They are pretty easy to hear at idle. Rod knock generally happens as you rev the engine around 2500 rpm or so, I believe.

No, I've had the car for 5yrs or so and its a new sound, its loud! I can hear it when I hit 3000rpm getting on to the highway in 2nd gear.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
You sir have got rod knock. I wouldn't suggest driving it until you have someone more qualified to look at it.

It's hard to believe you would work on it every couple weekends and fail to check the oil.


New Member
May 4, 2007
suprahero said:
You sir have got rod knock. I wouldn't suggest driving it until you have someone more qualified to look at it.

It's hard to believe you would work on it every couple weekends and fail to check the oil.

believe it! I was getting around to it. I bought the oil a few weeks ago, just had other things to do.

So, anyway, I am taking it to a shop because of the BHG, but i guess they will definately be taking the whole block out to fix this rod knock thing, which I'd really like to know more about. All the threads seem to talk about it but not explain it. I still don't understand it.


New Member
May 4, 2007
I will have to buy another car to drive while I fix mine. :3d_frown:

Good thing I'm not short on money, I can easily afford to get a good rebuild done. It just hurts.

Lots of my friends want me to get rid of my supra, but I'm not giving in this easy.