I work with assclowns!!!

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
So the joke's on me I guess...

The other day a couple of guys walked into my office and said they want to play a joke on a lonely guy who used to work here by mailing him a blowup doll from 'somewhere else'. They managed to talk me into doing an ebay search that didn't produce much, and I pretty much told them to go to an adult bookstore, get one, and get somebody heading out on business travel to ship it from where ever they happen to be going. I thought it was a stupid joke anyway, and forgot about it.

So today an IT guy I've never seen before stops in and asks to use my computer for a few minutes "to check a couple of IP addresses". No big deal.

About 45 minutes later he is accessing my computer remotely, so I ask him what he's doing by typing the question on the screen. Answer: "Corporate asked me to monitor your computer use, because there have been some flags regarding access of questionable sites."

I finally get him on the phone and ask him what's going to happen. He said corporate needs some answers on accessing pages with "blow up dolls", and that we would need to wait and see what they wanted to do with me. I launched right into the story so he could pass it on to corporate, and suddenly realized I was talking to him from one of the original guys extension and it hit me. "You assholes set me up!", followed by belly laughing from about 5 people in the background.

I was about to vomit by this time because people have been fired for less, and had even pulled the garbage can closer just in case. BASTARDS!!!! It's been an hour and a half and I'm still not right. There is nothing I can do to top this one, or even come close to it. I'm not sure I would even want to, because some jokes go a little too far.

Anyway, I laughed it off and they think I'm some great sport, but the truth is that I hate them right now. :icon_evil


Cliff Notes:
Coworkers set me up, made me think corporate was "onto my bad internet usage", and that I was going to be fired. Jokes on me.


been here since 2003
Apr 23, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa.
owned !!

hey man, just go with it. it really no biggie, they got you an thats all no biggie,

yes your right, I wouldnt try to get them back, never know if it might go too far,, its not worth loosing your job over...

so its all good man...


Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
willfish said:
owned !!

hey man, just go with it. it really no biggie, they got you an thats all no biggie,

yes your right, I wouldnt try to get them back, never know if it might go too far,, its not worth loosing your job over...

so its all good man...


I take jokes pretty good most of the time (I can laugh at myself), and do some joking myself. The thought of going home and telling my wife and kids the income was going to stop because I was looking up blowup dolls was just a little too upsetting. This one was over the top.

I'm feeling a little better now, and a good stiff drink should get me the rest of the way tonight. 1 hour to beer thirty!
Last edited:


been here since 2003
Apr 23, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Shytheed Dumas said:
I take jokes pretty good most of the time (I can laugh at myself), and do some joking myself. The thought of going home and telling my wife and kids the income was going to stop because I was looking up blowup dolls was just a little too upsetting. This one was over the top.

I'm feeling a little better now, and a good stiff drink should get me the rest of the way tonight. 1 hour to beer thirty!

yea man, now were talking........ beer thirty !! :biglaugh:


Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
^^^^Niiiicccee!!! :biglaugh:

I took one guys computer and set it up so that it spit out a fart sound every time he opened or closed an application. :D

Not bad, Jon. Getting shit in the mail sounds about right for these guys.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Mail in every subscription card you can find in magazines and put there address on it. Or another good one is to make profiles on gay websites with their information and pictures. LoL, that one was alot of fun. My victims still don't know who did it.

BTW, it was retaliation that they deserved.


Supra teacher 101
Apr 4, 2005
gtsfirefighter said:
Mail in every subscription card you can find in magazines and put there address on it. Or another good one is to make profiles on gay websites with their information and pictures. LoL, that one was alot of fun. My victims still don't know who did it.

BTW, it was retaliation that they deserved.

I'd shit on there keyboard, and be like Gotcha!

yeah i did that to my friend... www.Manhunt.org or .com

he got ALOT of emails he was called his picture was up there, alot of gay ment wanted to bone him his name was



Aug 27, 2006
Ckanderson said:
I like the magazine one.. im going to do that
One of the guys at our work was subscribed to a newsletter (online) that gives updates on the new locations of public toilets.

Best bit was he was subscribed over a year ago and only got his first email recently kinda good for the surprise factor:biglaugh: .