I told a Honda forum that MkIII Supras are better..LOL


Jul 5, 2006
the mk3 is a really strong platform its just a shame that the factory soffened the U.S. models up so much. Thats why they get so much shit really i mean if you could have get a supra in the U.S. in a Turbo A or a TTR do you really think they would be so over looked as true performance cars.


Formerly Nosechunks
Feb 25, 2006
Long Island, Ny
A honda is like a 1j supra, all noise and no torque...... :biglaugh:

The bottom line is a honda that goes faster then 12.5, would be difficult to drive daily in that configuration (slicks, race gas, no interior, Skinnies in the back...) where a supra running 12.5 would be on street tires, pump gas, full interior and besides the engine and maybe little of drive train for the most part stock. A true Street car drives to the track as is, makes its passes, and drives home. Then continues to drive in current condition. no swapping tires, no removing weight just for the track, thats all bullshit. that makes your "12.5 second car" a 13.5 car on the street, witch is pointless.

Obviously im talking about normal mildly modified cars. of course you could spend 100 grand on a honda, or any other car for that matter and make it go 12.5 on pump gas and street tires. dollar for dollar, a honda or any other economy car is less streetable at equal performance as a car that had it factored into the design plan.

themadhatter said:
the mk3 is a really strong platform its just a shame that the factory soffened the U.S. models up so much. Thats why they get so much shit really i mean if you could have get a supra in the U.S. in a Turbo A or a TTR do you really think they would be so over looked as true performance cars.

Supras arent sports cars like camaro's or mustangs are, there GT touring cars designed for bieng driven at consistent high speed and being comfortable. if they were a full on sports car they wouldnt weigh 3600lbs. There are sporty versions, but theres also sporty versions of malibu's and monte carlos.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
nosechunks said:
The bottom line is a honda that goes faster then 12.5, would be difficult to drive daily in that configuration (slicks, race gas, no interior, Skinnies in the back...)

Where are you getting this idea? 12.5 in a civic isnt that hard to do and in no way predicates them to stipping down to race form. It all about hp/weight ratio. You do realize most mk3's weigh over 1.5tons right? (Some on here weight closer to 2tons)

In in no way a Honda fan, but one of the biggest reasons why I will probably never own a mk3 again is this fact. It just takes TOO much HP to make em go fast.

suprabad said:
Somtimes it's fun to be an asshole.

I know, Im pretty sure I invented the concept. lol


Older Then Most
Jan 17, 2007
Murrieta, CA
This whole arguement reminds me the first time I heard that a VW beat out a 60's muscle car. I couldn't believe someone could get that much power out of a VW. But they did and my eyes were opened to the fact that there are some very smart people working on vehicles that I never considered to be a fast car. :icon_bigg

A year ago I traded a 2000 Civic LX for my 04 Tacoma. I hated driving the Civic, although it got great gas mileage! I love driving the Tacoma, but it gets horrible gas mileage! (That's why I like riding my ST1300 into work! :naughty: )

As some have already stated, it all has to do with how much $$$$ someone wants to put into their tranportation. :love:


Coitus Non Circum
Jul 12, 2005
Down Like A Clown Charley Brown
theWeezL said:
Where are you getting this idea? 12.5 in a civic isnt that hard to do and in no way predicates them to stipping down to race form. It all about hp/weight ratio. You do realize most mk3's weigh over 1.5tons right? (Some on here weight closer to 2tons)

In in no way a Honda fan, but one of the biggest reasons why I will probably never own a mk3 again is this fact. It just takes TOO much HP to make em go fast.

True that...but, that's not quite the whole story.

A little 4cyl motor, especially a honda (they're a little on the wimpy side) needs a lot of work if it is to run fast and reliable, and that costs a ton.

If you just want fast you can do it cheaply, but let's be honest, it's gonna be a ticking time bomb.

How many unrebuildable blown-up honda motors are littering junkyards everywhere...plenty.

Plus as previouly mentioned, they're kind of a bare bones, non-chick getter car.


Formerly Nosechunks
Feb 25, 2006
Long Island, Ny
theWeezL said:
Where are you getting this idea? 12.5 in a civic isnt that hard to do and in no way predicates them to stipping down to race form. It all about hp/weight ratio. You do realize most mk3's weigh over 1.5tons right? (Some on here weight closer to 2tons)

In in no way a Honda fan, but one of the biggest reasons why I will probably never own a mk3 again is this fact. It just takes TOO much HP to make em go fast.

Im Aware of the supras weight, thats why i posted it...

Im also aware hondas are 1000lbs lighter, but they also make about 100 horsepower less so there within the same power to weight ratio...

I never said it was That hard, but making a full weight honda go 12.5 on street tires will require good power to make up the ground its loosing the first 1/4 track. Maybe an S2k would have a chance at this because its rear wheel drive.

BTW, No such thing as too much horsepower, only too shallow pockets. That problem plagues the world.


Moving to Japan!!!
Nov 30, 2006
Jacksonville, NC
s383mmber1 said:
Ive got plenty of fast honda friends. They arnt ricers, they are true car enthusiasts who know what it takes to make there cars fast.

Agreed, I cant talk shit about the honda guys here, cause everyone one of them run 11s after a days work on the motor. My friend with a CRX bolted a TO4R to it along with injectors and fuel pump, fpr, along with a SAFC and the next day ran an 11.5.

Another friend is still using the D16 stock motor in his civic and is running low 10s. Maybe you guys can talk shit to these guys, but Im not in that position yet.:3d_frown:


Sep 29, 2007
Meh, I work at Honda and yea there are some fast hondas but 85%+ that are modded are all noise no go. As far as the curvys go I will have to say only 2% I have seen can take a turn at 60mph+. A s2k is fun and if you throw a turbo on it its pretty bad ass...but it is 30k just for the car....
O yea we got a mugen civic in it's only $35,000:thumbsdow so thats about 15k more than was previously posted as top price lol.

Most civics that run the numbers shown here are gutted with no comforts and generaly are horrible to drive in a normal daily fassion. I will keep my creature comforts thank you!

The thing I enjoy most about my supra is when I go to meets in the area I'm the sore thumb in the crowd: 40+ civics 12~14 240sxs a bunch of mustangs and camaros and 1 supra.....and what does everyone want to look at? LOL


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
suprabad said:
True that...but, that's not quite the whole story.

If you just want fast you can do it cheaply, but let's be honest, it's gonna be a ticking time bomb.

How many unrebuildable blown-up honda motors are littering junkyards everywhere...plenty.

Plus as previouly mentioned, they're kind of a bare bones, non-chick getter car.

Our side of the whole story is just as complicated:

If you just want a fast mk3 you can do it cheaply, but let's be honest, it's gonna be a ticking time bomb. -fixed
How manyblown-up 7m motors are littering our garages everywhere...plenty. - fixed

Lets face it, take the AVERAGE untouched 100k+ mile mk3 and have the goal of 12sec 1/4's, daily driver, and NOT have your own ticking time bomb and it takes just as much money, (if not more simply because of performance parts and supply and demand).

In the end I agree, I would rather drive a mk3 ANY DAY! but as already stated it apples and oranges, and its also not really the point of the thread. Trolling Honda forums is the LAST thing you are gonna find me doing ;)


brian L.
Mar 12, 2007
North Jersey
Heres the thing these days you could make anything got fast even a mini van some cars theres more of a after market seen than others and some need to have all custom madd stuff but in the end it's all about what you like,what style of driving your into,what leavel your at,and what best suts you and your budget.oo and no matter what you have to give respet to who ever put time,heart,and money into it and built it right


brian L.
Mar 12, 2007
North Jersey
ms07s said:
^^ Agreed. I hate Improperly built supras as much as improperly built civics.

hey man I'm odd I like a lot of diffent cars out there mostley old school to late 90's japs cars but I go from new imports to old school bmw's to a lot of things.I'm not big on american cars they are some of the fastest cars out there but I'm not all about 9 sec cars.They most def get there respect tho


Sep 29, 2007
I enjoy old school muscle cars and jap imports...don't care too much for most european cars( mercedes and volvo are garbage)


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
blackout_89t said:
There are more "fast" hondas on the road then there are "fast" mk3 supras. :aigo:

There are more 90s Civics on the road than there are supras of all generations, why does this supprise you?


Supramania Contributor
Jan 8, 2007
Baytown, Texas

Honda has one major flaw on the stock motor. Floating cylinders(can't believe no one's mentioned this??) Yes, you can slap a turbo on the stock motor and run low 12's, but without a block guard, it won't run long. When you start putting a lot of pressure into the cylinders, and cranking high rpm's, you run a very real risk of the top of the cylinders moving around. This in turn causes head gasket failure. Water in the oil, water in the cylinders, high rpm's under boost.... bye bye motor.

Running 12 sec. or better with no internal engine work on a Civic? Not for long....


Supramania Contributor
Jul 27, 2007
Athens, AL
WOW....Maybe my title threw everyone off...I wasn't downing Hondas...I was stating that the HONDA guys crucified one of there own about beating a mustang and an accord in a prelude. It was in a Import verses American Muscle thread. I told them I know supras that can outrun a vette, and a MKIII was the first import to win Pinks...they all agreed that of course a Supra is superior. I thought it was funny...hmmm Maybe I didnt word this thread right, because you guys did a 360 from intended direction. BUT since we are on the subject. I bought my Honda Prelude for Gas Mileage and reliability, not performance...and its their sport model...LOL :biglaugh:

As for the Troll?....no...asshole?....yeah that fits fine.....LMAO