I OWE THE IRS $8000.00!!! WTF


Feb 8, 2006
Virginia beach
Okie i was playing power around late afternoon with some friends and my mom walks in saying something came in the from the IRS. So i was like okie?? She opens it and says You owe 8000.00 to them and she said it with a smirk/giggle kind of. I was laughing and said shut up. I looked at it and i REALY OWE FUKN that much.

I looked at the date and it said it was from 2005. Im left in awe because i only make 7000-8000 a year, i mean if it was like a 1000 then maybe it would seem aight i guess?! All i know is that in 2005 my bastard father was living with us at the time. He ripped my mom off for 150,000+ dollars at the time. He plagiarized my moms name on checks and he made her sign things while she was sedated from her stroke and aneurism. If i find out that is was my F'n Dad i swear when i go to the Philippines this winter, I AM GOING TO BEAT THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF HIM.

He has put my family through hell, and this is not the first time the IRS has come over to us. My mom gotten a letter from the IRS for 7000.00 because of my dad. I can only guess it is becuase of him. My mom said at the time they had saved up for my college fund which was around 10,000 or more i dont remember.

I just bought my 264/264 Cams today From Kyle @ HPF. Im lost on what to do. If this is not some glitch in the system then i might get out of the SUPRA GAME! Sell my car and all my supra parts which is about 4000+ in parts. I've thought about doing this before when my mom was left in debt, but somehow stayed in the game, Yet this is another obsticle in life and i have been thorugh many. It's just true of the saying, Its easy to die and harder to actually live your life.

Worst thing of that days was i lost my 20.00 in that poker game. So now I'm in debt of 8020.00:cry: :cry:


Feb 8, 2006
Virginia beach
BorHor said:
= / Dang how can your own dad do that to you guys.

I don't know how a person can do this and be satisfied with his life. While he was still with us he spent his whole reitrement fund and my moms 100,000+ dollars in the P.I. for his other family and his own buisness of farming and live stock. Apparently he's done this since I have been 8 or 9. I wish my mom had the courage to divorce him, but she was thinking about us.

I'm thinking o selling my supra so i wont think of him and just buy i new one, but i have had som egood times in that car.
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If you have all your paperwork available and can prove that you only made so much that year, they can help you out. Probably reduce it by a lot. But I would take your papers to the tax people right away....you dont want something like this over your head. Since its from 2005, they can send you to jail for 1 year, so its no joke.


SF what a waste of supras
Jun 22, 2006
Lol someone haves to pay for the 150,000 taxes he stole from your mom ? maybe since he took the money and ran they pass the bill onto family or he frauded your name on some papers and claimed it as your income.


May 7, 2005
Surrey BC
ive never owed alot of money to the government, but would be getting a bank loan a unreasonable thing to do. I had a loan for $7500 and i was only paying $300 a month for 2 years.


Authorized Vendor
Jun 2, 2006
Tampa, Florida
do not get any loans yet. If you are not at fault you should not pay. Did you file taxes in 2005 ? Did you owe money in 2005 and not pay it? Get a copy of your return from 2005. If you did owe money and did not pay then the 8000.00 would include interest and penalties. Have you received any refunds after 2005? Your 2006 tax return for example did you owe or get a refund.

Do not sign anything until you get help from a CPA. You CAN NOT ignore it either. However a qualified CPA can give you the correct information.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Yet another reason: http://www.fairtax.org

Here's what you do:

Gather up your paperwork from 2005. (Tax returns, etc..)
Go see a TAX lawyer.


Trust me, I've been through hell with these people, you want a lawyer, and you want it now.

The IRS is the only entity in the US that can take your bank account, your paychecks and every single thing you own, without even going to court.

Do not fuck with these people. Get a lawyer.


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
Dude that sucks ass since you did nothing wrong. I think taxes are a rip off anyway, all you're paying for is the over paid underworked politicians and the over priced under performing weapons systems of the U.S. military, screw stealth bombers pay our soldiers more. Plus our roads suck and considering 1.50 or more of gas price is tax I'm in awe when I say WTF!!!!!!!!!!


Feb 8, 2006
Virginia beach
JMDigital said:
do not get any loans yet. If you are not at fault you should not pay. Did you file taxes in 2005 ? Did you owe money in 2005 and not pay it? Get a copy of your return from 2005. If you did owe money and did not pay then the 8000.00 would include interest and penalties. Have you received any refunds after 2005? Your 2006 tax return for example did you owe or get a refund.

Do not sign anything until you get help from a CPA. You CAN NOT ignore it either. However a qualified CPA can give you the correct information.

If you guys wanted to know Yes i did file taxes and I got a refund in 2005 and in 2006. I didn't owe anything.:3d_frown:
I wasn't aware of anything that i owed something.
Well the actuall total was 6000.00, but you know i have to pay penalties after it being 2 years.