I guess it's time to ask directly

Who else has oil pressure and how much is it out by? I have had a new sender sent by Prosport very quickly which was wonderful of them but both are 20psi out, and thats alot to be out. I have replied to their last message with no response, i'm assuming it's because they don't know whats wrong.
Prosport: I may have one hint though, not sure if this is normal but when i connect a battery up to the car the oil pressure red light section comes on, water temp is normal and stays off but oil pressure stays on. Isn't the red part the closing ceremony part?
Oh and before anyone says it's my wiring, i'm using the daisy chain setup and water temp is fine
I'm pleased with prosports service up until then.
One thing i did notice was the gauge read accurately ONCE and for a very short time, the longer i drive, the needle will just drop gradually to 20psi out. So example: Reading accurately at lights, drive, next lights = idle its now reading 2psi out, next lights or idle another psi or 2 and it continues till it tells me i have an almighty 1.5-2psi at idle. Awesome LOL
Is there some way that I can test the sender?