i just got off the phone with my lawyer...


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
suprarcr89;920938 said:
7k think about what you could have done with that...

Bought a taxi cab? Taken a 200 mile cab ride (NYC rates)? Hired a limo? Chartered a helicopter? Paid someone with half a brain to beat you unconscious before you got near a car?

Actually, forget the last one, I'd do that for free...
Jun 6, 2006
iHartSupra;921033 said:
DWI/DUI isnt any reason for people to be calling you a loser or making judgment. Everyone makes mistakes and that is no different.

Oh, fuck right off.

A mistake is buying provolone instead of cheddar.

Or the wrong brand of tampons for your girlfriend.

You consciously make a decision to drink.

And as much as I LOVE to drink, I either do it at home, or have a DD.


Apr 8, 2007
Toronto Ontario
DreamerTheresa;921105 said:
Oh, fuck right off.

A mistake is buying provolone instead of cheddar.

Or the wrong brand of tampons for your girlfriend.

You consciously make a decision to drink.

And as much as I LOVE to drink, I either do it at home, or have a DD.



1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
DreamerTheresa;921105 said:
And as much as I LOVE to drink, I either do it at home, or have a DD.

woooooooooo! drinking is awesome. being an alcoholic sucks though, i think willfish needs an intervention.


New Member
Mar 21, 2006
Duluth, MN
DreamerTheresa;921105 said:
Oh, fuck right off.


If you drink you have no right to pass judgment on his actions. More power to you if you're always on your game, always making good decisions. It would be a better world if there were more people like you. You make the decision not to drink and drive out of principle, and a lot of people don't have that value.

That said, making a conscious decision which turned out to be a bad one is still a mistake as long as one realizes their error. Thats the essence of the word "mistake." I washed my whites with my colors this morning. Conscious decision that turned out to be a mistake.


Jan 15, 2008
PDX (Oregon)
I have the right to pass judgment.. I dont drink.. what he did isnt a mistake or Consciously making a decision and it going bad.. Its called LACK OF RESPONSIBILITY... Washing whites with darks.. Thats a conscious screw up... Intentionally going to a bar when driving, intentionally drinking TOO MUCH, and intentionally driving your car home isnt a "screw up".. He could have very well killed another person or caused very bad bodily harm because he's not responsible... And who else should be fined is the bar that gave him that much alcohol and let him drive home.. I am not this "square" but come on.. He intentionally drove his car to a bar.. he intentionally didnt use any discretion when he drank too much.. he also didnt use the same discretion when he got behind the wheel..


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
iHartSupra;921220 said:
If you drink you have no right to pass judgment on his actions. More power to you if you're always on your game, always making good decisions. It would be a better world if there were more people like you. You make the decision not to drink and drive out of principle, and a lot of people don't have that value.

That said, making a conscious decision which turned out to be a bad one is still a mistake as long as one realizes their error. Thats the essence of the word "mistake." I washed my whites with my colors this morning. Conscious decision that turned out to be a mistake.

The difference is when you wash your whites with colors this morning it didn't kill anyone, or maim them.

I've got 17 false teeth, a titanium shin bone in my right leg, a plastic kneecap, I've had 5,000 micro-stitches above the collar bone. I will, for the rest of my life be in almost constant pain, all because of some fucking asshole who decided to drive drunk.

I have a right to judge, and he's a fucking asshole for driving drunk. You're an even bigger asshole for trying to justify it. Take your Zen Buddhist bullshit and stuff it up your ass.


Permanently Banned
Nov 26, 2007
Hayward, CA
Supracentral;921244 said:
The difference is when you wash your whites with colors this morning it didn't kill anyone, or maim them.

I've got 17 false teeth, a titanium shin bone in my right leg, a plastic kneecap, I've had 5,000 micro-stitches above the collar bone. I will, for the rest of my life be in almost constant pain, all because of some fucking asshole who decided to drive drunk.

I have a right to judge, and he's a fucking asshole for driving drunk. You're an even bigger asshole for trying to justify it. Take your Zen Buddhist bullshit and stuff it up your ass.

Are you cyborg everywhere it counts?


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
blackturbona;920925 said:
my dui charge has been reduced to neglegence!!!! whooo!!!! best news ive had in a while. and im very aware, I SHOULDNT HAVE BEEN DRINKING AND DRIVING IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! so i dont need to hear that lol

how have others DUI cases turned out?

Some things are just better left unsaid.:nono:


Feb 7, 2006
iHartSupra;921033 said:
There would be a hell of a lot less drivers on the road. I suppose that would be nice tho.

No, there would be a hell of a lot more drivers without licenses on the road.


New Member
Mar 21, 2006
Duluth, MN
Supracentral;921244 said:

I speak at MADD panels as well as DWI classes across Minnesota. My only sister was killed and I seriously injured after being hit by a drunk driving the wrong way down I-35 outside Minneapolis. I cant breathe worth a shit to this day because of it.

I have a right to pass judgment. When I speak, I see the piece of shit that took my sister from me on every single person's face. The first few talks I could have strangled anyone in that room. But none of them killed Katie. I speak to 16, 17, 18 year old offenders as well as life long drunks. You can't lump offenders together and call it justice. I call a first time DWI/DUI a mistake because it gives a person a chance to change and to become a responsible adult. Every single person makes mistakes. I am not justifying what he did, which was irresponsible and a terrible decision. I also don't support the court's decision. But to condemn him as scum is equally stupid.

Education and responsibility is what will save lives, not condemnation. When you make judgment on someone purely based off of the stigma a person is labeled with after offending you shut any doors they might find to change.

Your entitled to your opinion and what would make me an asshole would be trying to force mine upon you. What I believe isn't some Zen Buddhist bullshit, its the kind of thinking that is necessary when your dealing with fuckup offenders weekly. That and the knowledge that a certain waste of oxygen is rotting away in Stillwater Prison.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 14, 2006
Oshawa, ON, CA
Ok, I can see your side of it, but what did the OP learn in this case? What has motivated him to change? Abosolutely NOTHING! This asshole should have received maximum punishment. Then, after serving whatever sentence is deemed acceptable, he can learn from his mistake.

There is no excuse for drunk driving imo. It just shows poor judgement shitty planning.