When I scroll up or down a page, instead of the page moving fluidly, it pulses... That make sense? Like sections move up, then the next section catches up... Is this an easy fix? Something with settings?
Seems like only in browser... Opened a folder and scrolled down, no problem... Browser is Explorer...pmohr said:Only in a browser, or in documents, PDFs, etc? What browser and operating system?
forcefedsupra said:Your video card might not be fast enough also.
tte, what is dish checking?
Reign_Maker said:AFone: lmao!!! Dude!
Dugums: Whats a registry? Oh, and I installed the SpyWare Blaster, thats an awesome program... Im gunna put it on my comp at home... Now should I run another spyware program to search for spyware, because the SWB didnt really run any diagnostics...