Generally you don't get a warrant for the hell of it, and I'd ask you this, how do you know theres a warrant? let me guess someone you know or are related to has had a visit from the local sheriffs office looking for you perhaps. Since I enter warrants amongst many other talents at my department I can tell you they are not allowed to tell you yes or no in regards to an active warrant, you can go to any local agency and bring photo ID nad be ran through NCIC and it will print off the warrant, if you have one they will take you into custody but you can bond out on the spot assuming you bring your debit card or cash. Failure to appear is a common warrant and thats what I'm thinking your's is, unless you failed to go in for jail time from a driving while suspended, which normally requires weekend jail service or straight 15 or 30 day sentence(depending on the state). Another note too, warrants do not go away, so if you plan to join the military, get a federal job, buy a firearm or a lot of other things they will deny you until you take care of it, even the lame lil 100 warrants for FTA on traffic crimes or parking tickets.
Just go get ran and take care of it, a lawyer won't be able to do a thing for you, and in some cases it makes it worse, if the warrants for daddy and not you they will know since the warrant should have an OLN, SSN or some other identifyer to distinguish between you and your daddy.
Not trying to be an ass but go take care of it, if you don't like sumter county go to your local agency, odds are they won't extradite you if you can post bond within a few days.
That's my lil speech