I have a few codes I'd like to verify, 14, 24, 42...


New Member
Dec 24, 2008
I have searched these and didn't really get an exact answer for exactly what they are... 14, caps or ecu related? 42, speed sensor? Couldn't find 24...

Reason I am asking is because I am having the same problems a lot of people have with their 1jz, the break up around 3500 rpm's, tach goes crazy. . I have already checked the plugs, replaced the coils because of cracks. Checking engine codes before anything else, but I've read other people's problems like the fuel dampener, fuel cut/or bad filter, bad plugs, wiring, tps, bad coil connectors (which mine stay on, but not all of them snap on, brittle and they were broken, most likely my next choice) etc.. Engine was rebuilt, and wiring harness extended, everything pretty much stock besides intercooler, pipes and filter. As far as I know the fuel pump and filter are original, have not looked but the car was pretty much stock before me as well. I'm needing to find out the codes so I can continue to try fixing my problem, any opinions, suggestions and tips are greatly appreciated. I try not to post up too many problems being they may have been gone over before... thanks in advance!


New Member
Dec 24, 2008
Thank you, my harness didn't have the intake temp plug on it so its not plugged in. Ill figure out the rest. Might try my friends stealth ecu, to see if it stops the break up, need to find a jumper harness though! I looked at the ecu and it didn't look like the caps were leaking, I was also told only the supra ecu 's have that problem? I did notice some spots on the board looked wet, but wasn't, I was thinking like some type of glue lol? Maybe that's my problem.....

Anyways, thanks again!


New Member
Dec 24, 2008
Hmm and some would say the 1j is more relaible haha, each and every motor has its problems I guess. You wouldn't know where to find a jumper harness for the stealth ecu would you? Thanks for the help by the way.


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
What does it use? Soarer ecu plugs or jza70 plugs?

Prolly not going to find one already made but you could certainly make one. Can junkyard the male connectors and possibly buy the female ones and then just solder the right wires together.


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
No have to source everything and make your own.

I know camrys use the same plugs as soarers and you can get the jza70 plugs from various other hondas and celicas and such from the junkyards. I have a few of the jza70 plugs.