I hate garages


Happy as hell :D
Jan 15, 2006
Mount Vernon, WA, USA
One of my junior Marines has a new Pontiac G6 that has 40,000 on it. He took it in to get the rotors turned and the pads replaced, they said that his rotors had a "lip" on them and that they needed to be replaced and that it would be $350. Luckily he didn't fall for it only because I told him exactly what needed to be done, and he listened to me.



New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
Jeff Lange said:
There are very few places that I'd trust to work on my car, I just can't give it to them, without watching them work on it.

On the other hand; STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT TECHS MOVING YOUR SEAT. Would you rather they can't drive the car properly and hit something? They can't remember exactly where you left it, just live with it, it's just something that happens when someone else is driving your car, deal with it.



They didnt move it to be safe, my seat is slid back as far as itll go and the seat back however I like it. Well the seat back was leaned WAY back, no person would need to do that to be safe when driving. The guy that moved my car was tall and skinny, the seat shoulda been fine to drive it 15 feet. I can see if it was moved forward so a short person could reach etc, but that wasnt the case.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
iwannadie said:
Because the majority are idiots and seems everyone here agrees with that.
Yet you assclowns can't do basic maintenance and repair. Thread after thread of mindless destruction and incompetence. Why don't you ride a bike, since you can't fix your own car, and since technicians are mostly idiots, according to you.



New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
Nick M said:
Yet you assclowns can't do basic maintenance and repair. Thread after thread of mindless destruction and incompetence. Why don't you ride a bike, since you can't fix your own car, and since technicians are mostly idiots, according to you.


As I said, I cant mount and balance tires so I had to take it to the shop for that other wise I wouldnt.


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
iwannadie said:
Normally I would just take the tires off the car(supra) and take them just to swap the rubber.

That's what I ALWAYS do.

I keep my supra at my parents, but they also happen to live in a community with a housing organization so no working on the car at their place because the neighbors might get offended :)wuteva: never will I buy a house in a place like this). My power steering rack was leaking and my parents were getting pissy about the stain being left on the driveway, so I took it to a shop my Dad swears by. I usually don't keep my battery in the car as a theft deterrent and because I paid almost $200 for an Optima and I had some parasitic draw going on at the time. The roads around here are good, and since when I drive the car it's usually just around the block to get the juices flowing, I usually don't put the tie down on it since in a couple of minutes the battery is coming back out.

Well I go to pick up my car and the guy goes "Oh we noticed you didn't have a tie down on your battery so we put one on for you. It wasn't bad, but it'll be $20 for parts and labor." I was like well you can take it off because I have one, and the battery will be coming out anyways when I get home. I go to open the hood and take it off for him and then I see it.

The fuckers cut a notch out of the radiator support (not like a clean cut, like a cut a drunk mechanic made using a jigsaw) and some shitty leftover pieces of metal "holding" the battery in place. I told the guy he was lucky I was restraining myself from punching him dead in the mouth.

NEVER AGAIN will a shop touch my car.


Happy as hell :D
Jan 15, 2006
Mount Vernon, WA, USA
SupraDerk said:
Well I go to pick up my car and the guy goes "Oh we noticed you didn't have a tie down on your battery so we put one on for you. It wasn't bad, but it'll be $20 for parts and labor." I was like well you can take it off because I have one, and the battery will be coming out anyways when I get home. I go to open the hood and take it off for him and then I see it.

The fuckers cut a notch out of the radiator support (not like a clean cut, like a cut a drunk mechanic made using a jigsaw) and some shitty leftover pieces of metal "holding" the battery in place. I told the guy he was lucky I was restraining myself from punching him dead in the mouth.

NEVER AGAIN will a shop touch my car.

I'd sue for them doing something like that. Make them pay for the cost of putting in a new radiator support. That's pretty messed up that they did that. Yet one more reason nobody drives or works on my car without meeting certain criteria.


Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
SupraDerk said:
I usually don't keep my battery in the car as a theft deterrent and because I paid almost $200 for an Optima and I had some parasitic draw going on at the time. The roads around here are good, and since when I drive the car it's usually just around the block to get the juices flowing, I usually don't put the tie down on it since in a couple of minutes the battery is coming back out.

Well I go to pick up my car and the guy goes "Oh we noticed you didn't have a tie down on your battery so we put one on for you. It wasn't bad, but it'll be $20 for parts and labor." I was like well you can take it off because I have one, and the battery will be coming out anyways when I get home. I go to open the hood and take it off for him and then I see it.

The fuckers cut a notch out of the radiator support (not like a clean cut, like a cut a drunk mechanic made using a jigsaw) and some shitty leftover pieces of metal "holding" the battery in place. I told the guy he was lucky I was restraining myself from punching him dead in the mouth.

NEVER AGAIN will a shop touch my car.

Two things, what is the rest of the story? Because that is incomplete. Would you mind taking a picture of what they did?

Your battery not being secured is an accident waiting to happen.


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
honestabe said:
I'd sue for them doing something like that. Make them pay for the cost of putting in a new radiator support. That's pretty messed up that they did that. Yet one more reason nobody drives or works on my car without meeting certain criteria.


Only reason I didn't is because him and my dad are good friends and he does give my dad a lot of discounts on the work he gets done (and I can see why now...crap ass quality of work )

Nick M said:
Two things, what is the rest of the story? Because that is incomplete. Would you mind taking a picture of what they did?

Your battery not being secured is an accident waiting to happen.

What do you mean rest of the story? There's not much to it, he fucked up my car, I didn't pay for the shit he added that I didn't ask for and now no one will ever touch my car(s) besides me or maybe a VERY trusted friend.

And why would I lie about something like that? Here's some pics (I just so happen to be at home and took the car for a spin today). And where they cut is starting to really rust over now which pisses me off even more...



Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Looks like a lot of rust on that new cut...

The rest of the story is just that. Are you trying to say they did unauthorized repairs, and you are doing nothing about it? States have garage repair acts, with rights for both sides.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
The fuckers cut a notch out of the radiator support (not like a clean cut, like a cut a drunk mechanic made using a jigsaw) and some shitty leftover pieces of metal "holding" the battery in place. I told the guy he was lucky I was restraining myself from punching him dead in the mouth

You did.

This is why I challenge you people on your "stories". He probably told you he had a hold down, and you just think that one is ugly. You make up the rest. You did make up the part about them cutting it afterall.


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
Nick M said:
You did.

This is why I challenge you people on your "stories". He probably told you he had a hold down, and you just think that one is ugly. You make up the rest. You did make up the part about them cutting it afterall.

It's a new cut in the sense that it wasn't there when I bought it, but it's by no means a fresh cut and nowhere did I ever say it was. It happened last summer.

My car also sits by a sprinkler on the driveway without a car cover (kind of pointless as it gets soaked daily, then sits in the sun, cracks and then holds more water under the cover than it keeps out) and it's been sitting there for over a year now. Hmmm car gets soaked daily for a year... can we say rust on bare metal? And I have more rust spots than just that one now because it's been at my parents house in that one spot.


But you can take your insinuations and go sit on them and rotate. :thumbsdow

Sorry to the OP for what seems to be a threadjack.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Actually, this thread is about proffessional maintenance and repair.

Supraderk said:
The fuckers cut a notch out of the radiator support (not like a clean cut, like a cut a drunk mechanic made using a jigsaw) and some shitty leftover pieces of metal "holding" the battery in place. I told the guy he was lucky I was restraining myself from punching him dead in the mouth

supraderk said:
but it's by no means a fresh cut and nowhere did I ever say it was. It happened last summer.

Are you sure? Am I missing something? Do you want to amend your original statement?


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
Nick M said:
Actually, this thread is about proffessional maintenance and repair.

Are you sure? Am I missing something? Do you want to amend your original statement?

Dude, you're a fucking tool. You're just LOOKING for some kind of disconnect. I took my car... last summer... to get repaired, where they cut a notch out of the radiator support. Is that clear enough for you?

It sat on the driveway for over a year getting soaked by fucking sprinklers daily... let's see, bare metal + water + oxygen = rust? And wasn't it you who requested a picture of the damage... so I take a picture today and now you're complaining about rust being on a year old cut.

Razzing someone is one thing, but being a dickhead for the sake of being a dickhead is another. I wonder why this country is so fucked up, then I look at the "elders" of this country and how you all act more like children than those that are (age wise) labeled as children.

Grow up Nick.


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
My bad experience was getting tires put on the 82 and they cracked a fender flare... :3d_frown:

Didn't notice til I got home so I just shrugged it off. it's like 1/8", so no biggie.

mounting and balancing tires with hand tools, that Id like to see. lol