I'm so sorry. I hope she can survive this. Your rant is so justified.
2 things I hate: drunk drivers and cancer
More people die on our roads every year from alcohol related wrecks (not accidents) than die from all types of firearms. Yet, drunk drivers usually can continue driving after multiple offenses. Our society doesn't look at vehicular homiside the same as murder...it is murder. I'm sorry, I shouldn't be the one to rant here, please forgive me, please hear me out. Look at the stats, DOT - MADD, where ever, it is outragous. Compare the stats to all other deaths and tell people what you learn. Getting in someones face with this information can have a profound effect on people that just don't get it.
None of us will ever meet someone that has not been effected by cancer, that is a simple fact. Our government needs to fund all forms of stem cell research. I have lost my parents, brother and right now best friend to cancer. Use your vote to support life saving research.
Please, please forgive me for using your post for this Kai. My heart and my thoughts are with your friend and you buddy.