What will really piss you off is if you knew how many previous DUI's that person has had. When I worked as a Corrections Officer, I noted a lady that had been charged with 9 DUI's in the past. Thanks to our judicial system, she had only been convicted of two, which doesn't amount to much time in jail. If the bleeding hearts would've held her accountable for the other 7, she would've been incarcerated for around 10 years.
Not long after I hit the road, I was dispatched to an accident. A lady had run into the back of a SUV that was stopped at a stop sign. She hit the SUV between 60 and 70mph. When I got out of the car, a group of people were waving me into a field. I noticed a deceased person lying on the ground with unrecognizable features. The SUV was hit so hard it rolled, ejecting the driver before rolling over the top of her.
The driver of the other vehicle was the lady I had dealt with at the jail. She was drunk. It's too late now, but I hope she never gets out of prison.
Drunk driving is on the top of my, 'You make me fucking sick' list.
Kai, I hope your friend pulls through.