I got into some road rage.


Sep 12, 2005
so i am driving my car yesterday with my buddy who has a 88t and this guy mid 30's with his wife are driving around in a mini van and are basiclly staring at me.. so i look over and nod at the guy. i am thinking he is looking at my car ya know. so about another half mile down the road we stop at a red light. i see his window come down and i hear MOTHER FUCKER! so i turn around and this guy goes wtf are you lookin at... i was in shock and immediatly after i got out of it im like man wtf r u talking about. then the light turns green and i gave his ass a 17psi show:biglaugh: so we drive for about 5 miles and he doesnt look at me anymore. we get to the intersection where i want to go left at and i see his swoop 2 lanes over when i throw my signal on. im like ok this ass is gonna do something.. so when it urn he stays on my ass. so i lane change and i let him pass me. ass he passes my i get back over and i proceed to put my signal on. as i do that and come to my turn i see the guy do the turn and lock the fukin brakes.. well there is a island on the street we are turning into. and a lincon in the next lane. somehow i manage to wot and not hit the lincon and drift around this island back into the right lane where the guy is. so i pull in a lot to get away and this guy follows me. hmm i tell my buddy get out. as we get out this guy coems towards me and im like MOTHER FUCKER watch ur shit becasue if u hit my car and right as i said that this guy mid 30s picks me up by my necks and starts choking me. his wife is in the car. so my buddy comes around and hits the guy. i seriously was chocked i couldnt breathe and he had me over my car.. so after my boy hit him he let mew go but held on my shirt. we pulled into a firestation i guess so he walks me in yelling hello.. i was so mad i go look you asshole the fire trucks are gona no one is here u fukin idiot.. so he is still holding me and at this point i snapped.. we are walking back to my car and i guess his wife claled the police already beacasue i was at fault:naughty: i didnt even do anything. so as we are coming back to my car i put my hand on his back and before he can do anything i throw my lg infront of his trip him and push his ass down. he fell and at that point we could of beat his ass and i just told him we will wait for the cops. then he proceeds to tell me how he always dead stops when he turns. so i go good when the cops come u get to go to jail for chockin me and a disturbing traffic ticket.lol i was so pissed i was sayin all types of shit. so then he goes just go home.. im like fuck off ur scared now beacsue u relized what u did n so on ill wait for the cops. cops come liek 4 cars deep and i explain everything that i just said up there and they didnt do anything to me but they called my mom just told her what happened n stuff. the guy got a road rage ticket and im sure my boys hit to his nose hurt too. as they gave him the ticket the guy was liek o nice car you take care of it and i was talkin to him about it.. i got let off and i guess im lucky that this guy didnt hit me or anything but i am glad my boy helped me beacause i was gettin chocked. i mean seriosuly what the fuk is wrong with people. lockin the brakes and gettin vilent n everything. all this beacsue i guess i was staring at him and making gestures.. liek i have nothing better to do then make gestures at an elderly couple.. WTF IS UP WITH THE WORLD

NO CLIFFS:1zhelp: please read


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
I read it all, but I know what ya mean, people these days have no morals no curticy for other drivers, and act like their shit doesnt stink.


this is why you carry a bat, gloves, baseball with you in the car. Bat along the side of your drivers seat between the door and seat.

Anyone tries anything physical 1 hit to the back of the knee bam..get up and leave, just make sure they dont catch your lic plate #


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
And spell check ;)

You're very lucky...if that guy had a weapon when he 1st grabbed you...


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
a bat works wonders, or you can just carry screwdrivers and adjustable wrenches and explain to the cops that you own a supra :)

that sucks that that asshole didnt get anything else. it just might be be in the north east, but drivers have deffanitly gone down hill. it seems that everyone is in a fucking hurry to get somewhere, and has no regard for other drivers. ive almost gotten run over by a 18 wheelers trailer, almost got smashed by a volvo, been rear ended on a highway and almost got in a front end collision because some fucking mercedes had to pass someone on a windy backroad(mind you this is just what comes to mind). i feel your pain with the road rage, sometimes people are just pricks and think that they are always right and noone else.

fun road rage fact, Connecticut is the only state where someone was shot with a crossbow as a result of road rage.


Mar 31, 2005
Spokane, Wa
NDBoost said:
this is why you carry a bat, gloves, baseball with you in the car. Bat along the side of your drivers seat between the door and seat.

Anyone tries anything physical 1 hit to the back of the knee bam..get up and leave, just make sure they dont catch your lic plate #

have you seen the video where the two hicks get out of the truck with a bat and attempt to go beat this BMW driver? The BMW driver gets out and sticks a gun in the guys face.

that's why I try not to fuck with people too much, just let things i normally wouldn't slide... you never have any idea who is carrying a gun.


Mar 31, 2005
Spokane, Wa
swaq said:
Did you ever find out why the guy got pissed at you in the first place? Maybe it was jealousy?

Sometimes people just get pissed for no apparent reason...

on the way back from suprafest i was in my buddies mk4 and we had two other mk4's and a mk3 with us... we were just miding our own business going about 80? This leg of the trip was just driving no fucking around :D

We're all in the right lane about 10 car lengths from each other, probally more...

this bigass dodge pickup with a flat bed on the back proceeds to cut in between each of us, then get in front... then he turns on his headlights that are mounted to the back of the cab... this is about 11-12 at night so they're way fucking bright right in our eyes... WTF MAN!?!?!?

That's all, we just let that pass cuz we didn't wanna fuck with him.


Computer Aided Drafting
Aug 10, 2006
The only thing I carry in my car is a hand gun, and I do have a concealed weapons permit. I've never pulled that gun on anyone. I hope I never have to. It's getting really bad.

I had a guy come at me with a baseball bat once. As soon as he pulled it out of his car, I asked him if he wanted to go to the hospital. He said "You're the one going to the hospital bitch!". I smiled and asked "Don't you find it funny that I'm not a bit worried by the fact that you are going to try and hit me with something?". He paused, then said "I'm going to fuck you up!" I said "Ok cool. go ahead when ever you're ready." and just stood there.

He took one step toward me, and I knew that the first "Swing" was just going to be a fake, trying to get me to flinch. He raised the bat, and I just stood there. Luckily for him, some total stranger fucking full on run tackles this guy out of no where, and slams him up against his car!! I was like... um... thanks? I uh, had it under control there, but... I appriciate the help... The police came and arrested him for aggrivated assault.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
I got some satisfaction this morning.

I was driving the MKIII to work. Some guy in a Jeep Liberty was speeding down the MEDIAN. Yes, on the grass, doing about 50 passing bumper to bumper traffic. The guy cut in front of me, I had to stand on the brakes to aviod hitting him. He then flipped me the bird.

As I'm sitting there, I notice blue lights in my side view mirror.

Local Gwinnett County cop, coming down the grass. :)

The cop pulls up next to me, points at the Jeep and gives me one of those "What a yahoo looks". I let him in and he pulls the Jeep over.

As I pass the cop gives me a thumbs up.

Sometimes, there is a cop around when you need one. :)
Jun 6, 2006
Justin said:
have you seen the video where the two hicks get out of the truck with a bat and attempt to go beat this BMW driver? The BMW driver gets out and sticks a gun in the guys face.

that's why I try not to fuck with people too much, just let things i normally wouldn't slide... you never have any idea who is carrying a gun.

You know that vid is staged, right?


Sep 12, 2005
lol.. apperently he told the cop i was looking at his wife. hmm she was 40 and i just started to laugh as the cop did. as far as everything else i guess after i threw his ass on the ground and me and my buddy where right there he stopped beacsue we could of kicked his ass. he then proceeds to yell at me and he goes take daddys porsche home.. i just stared at him.. i came to the conclusiont he guy had a mental problem!


Computer Aided Drafting
Aug 10, 2006
Supracentral said:
I got some satisfaction this morning.

I was driving the MKIII to work. Some guy in a Jeep Liberty was speeding down the MEDIAN. Yes, on the grass, doing about 50 passing bumper to bumper traffic. The guy cut in front of me, I had to stand on the brakes to aviod hitting him. He then flipped me the bird.

As I'm sitting there, I notice blue lights in my side view mirror.

Local Gwinnett County cop, coming down the grass. :)

The cop pulls up next to me, points at the Jeep and gives me one of those "What a yahoo looks". I let him in and he pulls the Jeep over.

As I pass the cop gives me a thumbs up.

Sometimes, there is a cop around when you need one. :)

Nice! Very nice, I love happy endings:) And props to you for staying calm. I usually just fume in my car for a little while and then start thinking about other stuff to get me calmed down;-)


Supramania Contributor
whoa. that man would have been seriously injured if not have had his life taken as soon as he layed a dirty finger on me.

go get your concealed weapons license. i just aim my usp out the window if anybody has any road rage problems. ALL of them put the pedal down.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
CtSupra said:
whoa. that man would have been seriously injured if not have had his life taken as soon as he layed a dirty finger on me.

go get your concealed weapons license. i just aim my usp out the window if anybody has any road rage problems. ALL of them put the pedal down.

I carry a Taurus PT-945...


And my rule is never point it anything you aren't going to shoot and never point it a living thing you aren't going to kill. Playing games like that will get you killed one day.

If anything, being armed makes me more polite. I'm not going to jail for some dumb SOB like that.


Computer Aided Drafting
Aug 10, 2006
CtSupra said:
whoa. that man would have been seriously injured if not have had his life taken as soon as he layed a dirty finger on me.

go get your concealed weapons license. i just aim my usp out the window if anybody has any road rage problems. ALL of them put the pedal down.

At the risk of having this seem like a flame, and if I get your comment correctly, you don't be keeping your concealed weapon's permit very long if you point your gun out the window to threaten other drivers if they're giving you a hard time. I hope that's not what you meant.

In a concealed weapon's class, it is very important you understand that the weapon you will cary is a last resort, and is never to be revieled unless you are prepared to actually shoot someone. Never, EVER do you whip out your "9" and point it in some guy's face because he called you a name. Never do you point it out the window at another driver who flipped you off. If you think your life is in danger, and you might be killed, That's when you pull that gun, and you fire it until that threat is no longer a threat.


Supramania Contributor
Supracentral said:
I carry a Taurus PT-945...


And my rule is never point it anything you aren't going to shoot and never point it a living thing you aren't going to kill. Playing games like that will get you killed one day.

If anything, being armed makes me more polite. I'm not going to jail for some dumb SOB like that.

OoOoh! Nice weapon you have there! Yeah, I hear you about not aiming at what you're not willing to shoot, but you never know what the other person has (especially if it's some punk g-unit cap wearing gangster) and I just do it to end the encounter swiftly. It's not a everyday thing, lol!