I can't seem to pick a comfortable driving position...


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
Does anyone else have this problem?:icon_mad:
I'm about 6 feet tall, and 160ish lbs, for reference.

I adjust my driver's seat so often...almost weekly I imagine. More often than not I'm uncomfortable these days. I find that odd since all I hear about our seats is that they are comfortable. I have a 1986.5 with tan nylon seats, or whatever synthetic that is.

I was just wondering if anyone has this problem, or if there are tips for getting a good driving position in a 5 speed. I find some positions are good for spirited driving, but then become uncomfortable, or if I change my seat position during a day's driving I drive differently, sometimes more aggressively, possibly because my clutch action feels different for a given position.

I tend to like higher positions, possibly because i feel I have better control...possibly because I learned to drive in trucks and vans. However, that puts my head awfully close to the roof, and I don't fancy that position because I have a friend who got his neck broken in a car accident. The further I am from the top, the better...I assume. Also, the rear-view mirror becomes a considerable blind spot.

Lower down I feel the gap between the seat and the seat back if the seat is lower...so that's another bother.

I also like leg room so I like to roll it back, but then I can't reach the wheel as well...and it's fully extended. So then I tilt it down...but then I can't see the damn gauges.

Lastly, the lower lumbar support is nice but gives me back pain if I use it. Is that pain happening because I have poor posture and it's correcting it? It feels better if I put my seat lower, so it pokes me higher up. haha.

I won't even mention the side bolsters...they don't bug me really though.

So I hope you can see why I can't seem to get it right. I've had the car for years and thought I'd figure it out...but I havent, apparently. Any tips for me? I'm sick of this. Maybe a list of the order you go about adjusting everything, or a good method for proper posture in my driving position? It's irritating being more comfortable on a simple sliding bench seat (no adjustments, period) in my dad's pickup, than in a car with practically every electrical adjuster besides an electric headrest (I was in a Mercedes with one)) Hell sometimes that little Mitsubishi Mighty Max is more fun to drive too. :nono: I don't quite know why.:aigo:


New Member
Mar 4, 2010
Tucson, az
my my your quite in a pickle.... have you a thought of fabrication a the rails on the seat to sit lower ... you could also put an after market steering wheel cause at time that can actually bring the steering wheel closer by a couple of inches so you wouldn't feel likeyou extending when your reclined in you seat....

just some thoughts


New Member
Jan 13, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
It took me a little while aswell slowly going back and fourth between too much and not enough of everything until I got my sweet spot, the cockpits of our cars are just about as adjustable as it gets, it just takes time to massage it to where you feel its comfortable.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
closetnerd;1570140 said:
Chiropractor visits.

You think so?

Have you had any experience with chiropractors? I've heard many things, some of which describes a lot of useless and often harmful 'adjustments' which only make the problems worse, needing even more frequent visits...


New Member
Nov 1, 2009
Fort Wayne, Indiana
its worth going ive only heard good about going. i should go but im lazy, i have had back problems for years now ocasionally i just wont be able to move bacause the pain is so intense i would rather be sandblasted in the hand then go through back pain (i do know what sandblasting feels like i got hit a few weeks ago from 2 inches away it was a 2 out of 10 compared to my back.) and expessially if you have bad posture it will help you out.


New Member
Apr 24, 2010
dsm_tuner260;1570206 said:
its worth going ive only heard good about going. i should go but im lazy, i have had back problems for years now ocasionally i just wont be able to move bacause the pain is so intense i would rather be sandblasted in the hand then go through back pain (i do know what sandblasting feels like i got hit a few weeks ago from 2 inches away it was a 2 out of 10 compared to my back.) and expessially if you have bad posture it will help you out.

i have to agree with DSM, having back pain isn't such a great thing to deal with. the Chiropractor SUPER helps, right after they twist and turn your bones, it feels sooo good! especially with a massage after =)


Rice? No its Corn (E85)
i know the feeling from going from truck to car, i have a 88 toyota pickup v6 turbo, and its a simple bucket seat with 2 adj, forward and back and angle. anyhow i find the position in car difficult due to the options available, at one moment one position is good for aggressive and another time a diff position is good but soon loses comfort. btw chiropractors helped with some of my back problems, but i go cause of a previous wreck(fyi head on with garbage truck, car lost) and good luck with ur SITuation


35% Biotic
Feb 15, 2009
Huntsville, Alabama, United States
There are some interesting allegations against Chiropractors. Physical therapists and Chiropractors don't get along. Some say they massage/adjust certain points in a conspiracy to keep you coming back due to the pain. I call BS on that.

I work for a moving company for a little while and eventually developed lower back pain even with proper moving/lifting procedures. My visits to the chiropractor helped reduce the consistency of the back pains. I must also say that the massages at the end are amazing. Most people over look their posture while driving/ at work at a desk/ while walking, jogging, and other exercises. This all stacks up and can lead to harsh back issues.


Don't blame ebay cheapass
Sep 28, 2008
Raynham, Massachusetts, United States
I've had this issue in some vehicles (not the supra). Chances are its something that you cant adjust or its outside the adjustment range. I think the seat too high is often my issue. As for the chiropractor, it helps me with my back/neck/shoulder issues, but massage is the real key. Best case scenario is to get a massage right after a chiropractor visit, and then drink a ton of water, follow up massage the next week if possible. Unfortunately, massages are fucking expensive and most insurance policys do not contribute. My advice have your girlfriend (or random girls you are "friendly" with) give you a massage. Giving them one first can usually con them into it, plus it can be fun... If you have a steady girl and shes not the best at it, dont tell her shes bad, it will just discourage her. Spend a few hundred bucks and sign the two of you up for a massage therapy class. Her skills will improve and you might actually learn something as well.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Do you take your wallet out of your back pocket before you drive?

I had horrible pain in the supra...then I took the damn thing out...5-10 hour road trips...no problem. LOVE THE SUPRA SEATS!.

Plus...I have one for my home office chair now.


New Member
Apr 14, 2010
Miami, FL
I read an interesting article about seating position and the short version is that many people who find the seating position in their cars uncomfortable are guilty of trying to tilt the seat-back back and the seat cushion up at the front. While it would seem that the lying back position would give support to your back the opposite has been found to be true. The recommendation was to level the lower seat cushion and then raise the back of the cushion slightly to give a slight slope forward to the seat bottom. The theory is that the higher you raise the front of the seat, the more your spine is forced into a straight (un-natural) position. As you drop the front of the seat, it allows your pelvis to tilt forward and your lower spine to curve into a more natural position. It sounded crazy, but since I was experiencing serious back pain after driving my C6, I thought I would give it a try.

It feels weird at first and you feel like you would slide off the seat. However after driving for a whole day, I was convinced. Before, a 20 minute drive to work would leave my back in spasm. After 6+ hours with the seat in the new position, I had no pain. I adjust every seat I encounter in this manner and find it continues to work. Works well in my GS460 which is my new DD. I notice when I get stuck with a cheap rental car with no ability to adjust the seat cushion angle that the pain quickly returns. I got the wife to try this because her 3 hour daily commute was causing her back pain. She tried it and she does not complain about having pain in her back anymore. YMMV :)
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May 7, 2005
Surrey BC
Im 6'6" 240 lbs and I've never found myself uncomfortable in the supra. Maybe a little moving around to make sure Im in right but I did 8 hours in the seat the other day and didnt feel anything. Seat all the way back and the back of the seat is set so I can reach the shifter without having to reach for it. Recaro ftw


Active Member
Oct 4, 2006
Oxnard CA
SupraMario;1570423 said:
Do you take your wallet out of your back pocket before you drive?

I had horrible pain in the supra...then I took the damn thing out...5-10 hour road trips...no problem. LOVE THE SUPRA SEATS!.

Plus...I have one for my home office chair now.

I can't believe you beat me to the the chair idea.


Not a lurker :)
Apr 3, 2005
New York
So your seat is all electric? I have an 87 that I'm driving now and the lower half of the seat is not electric. I'm a little over 6 feet 2 inches tall and the seat in my 89 which is all electric goes rearwards just a tiny bit more... but it makes a HUGE difference. All electric seat in my buddies 87 (all power) goes all the way back as well. I am thinking about redoing the seat rails to make it go back all the way in my 87.

Very true with the wallet thing, Try taking it out. (Don't leave it in the car when you leave!)