AlexSmith said:Not trying to sound rude man, but who said he had to respond? I see your point man, so don't think I am trying to talk shit or something, but it is just a simple question, and I would hope that he would consider maintenance before mods. Maybe that should be my quote
Um, to at least let us know that he's serious about making decent power with the car, and keeping it on the road and running right at the same time
Yes, EVERYONE should consider maintenance before mods, it's just makes me and others leery to help someone with questions on how to up the HP on thier car when they aren't letting us know what condition their engine is in. Kinda makes you feel guilty if they come back and say, "hey, car blew up because I did what you guys told me to do" and it comes to find out that the engine had rod knock and BHG and rotted vacume lines, etc. because they wouldn't say what they've done to the car so far.