bigaaron, I'm not saying people should build motors with composite gaskets and head for 700whp. Realistically, a MHG and the prepwork for one isn't that much of a cost to consider when you are going for that level of performance, and the extra insurance is well worth it.
What I *am* saying is that the 7M gasket, in my opinion, fails 99.9% of the time for one of two reasons - insufficient torque on the head bolts from the factory, or bad tuning resulting in detonation.
As for the brake quiet spray, someone has to try it. Might as well be me, if it doesn't work, I don't mind tearing down my engine to replace it. If it does work, it's a very nice trick to save a lot of time, effort, and money when swapping in a MHG. As for whether it actuallly works or not, ask me in another 5 years.
I'd seriously like to see someone put together an engine with a stock head gasket, arp head studs, and a proper standalone ECU and some good tuning and see what the stock gasket it good to. I don't think it will ever happen, but that is the only way to determine what power levels the stock unit is good for.