Chad, the whole "4-way" setup is nothing more then a marketing ploy. Interestingly enough, the more drivers you have, the worse it sounds, as more drivers create more sources of sound, which can cancel each other out, etc. I'm not sure how much post-secondary physics you've taken, but let's just say that if you have 4 tweeters playing the same thing, mounted in (slightly) different locations, you're going to get some messed up cancellation issues. The "4-way" drivers will actually create a much worse sound stage, and sound like poo.
A GOOD setup will use as few speakers as possible to cover the whole frequency range. A good subwoofer covering 20-80hz, and a good midrange/tweeter combo covering 80-20,000hz. The midrange and tweeter should be placed as close together as possible to help create a proper soundstage. (if they're separate, your mind can think the sound is coming from 2 different locations, which is bad in this case)
I would run away from Sony, Audiobahn, or anything of the like. It's all "flashy" garbage. I would look at either a coaxial, or component set from a reputable company like Infinity, CDT, hell even the Alpine type R components are half-decent. Look to spend around $100 for a pair of speakers. If you can't decide, I would check out some car audio forums etc, and see what people tend to think are a good bang for the buck.