How can I claim this abandoned car?


Tallest MK3 driver ever!!
Mar 30, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
Hey, I have come across a supra here in T.O sitting next to some abandoned night club. The people of the bakery next door know nothing about it. There is a temp tag on the windshield and it's from Jan 26 hehe so the car has been sitting for some time now. I want to have this car, so I wondered if anyone knew the Canadian laws about this sort of thing. Just for you curious guys, it's either an 87 or 88; it has the 3rd rectangle brake light under the rear wing. It's also a turbo automatic with a decent interior, cloth, and it has tems and all interior switches look to be in fair-decent condition. The vin # from what I could rear was JT2MA71L0H0042544. I do not know if these numbers are correct as it was raining and the vin plate was REALLY hard to read, either from sun fading or re-paint or something.Enjoy the pics too :icon_bigg I hope someone knows how I can come into possession of this vehicle. I really want another supra :cry:


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Apr 1, 2005
purple and green? what kind of night club is that? :greddy:

sorry, dont know much about CA law. usually what you can do is take the vin/plate info to the DOT. from there they will contact the owner and you can go from there.


Tallest MK3 driver ever!!
Mar 30, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
Yeah i think i migtry that this week. I think I wrote the vin down wrong though; it seems to be one character longer than the vin on my old 92 supra turbo. Can the vin numbers vary in length? Or, are they only a specific amount of characters long?


Tallest MK3 driver ever!!
Mar 30, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
Yeah, i got that far aswell heh. I also today got the used vehicle pachage from the dmv which says a lot about it, and lists all owners ( only 2!) but doesn't give phone numbers. I tried contacting them, got ahold of the first owner and he has no info on the current owner :( The current owner I could not get ahold of, possibly due to an unlisted phone number. I found one possible but they don't pick up the phone! Since the car is not on my property I cannot try and get ownership says the dmv. My only chance of getting the car is somehow contacting the current owner and getting him to sell it to me ( heh, looking worse each passing day) or steal it, but I couldn't just take the car I have morals. It's just pissing the hell out of me knowing this car could be towed and yarded anytime the cops realize it's there, and I'm trying to save it! I'm at a loss for options, I've been trying to get into the car as I figured like most people he has either ownership and or insurance papers in the glove box with his info. I don't like thinking like a theif though ;P


SM Member
Sep 27, 2007
Waupun, Wisconsin
is it unlocked?

try to get in it to find some more info on the owner. If any one says anything, tell them you are tring to contact the owner to but it and you were looking for info.


Tallest MK3 driver ever!!
Mar 30, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
I wish, it's locked all around. I have been trying to figure out how to get in without damaging much as I want to use it if i can come to own it hahaa. I bet this thread gets deleted soon though as it looks like I'm trying to steal a car and teach others how :( If only it was open, I bet he has something in the glove box, we all do!

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
Scott, maybe I'm an oddball.

For some reason...No matter HOW bad of condition I see a Supra in...
I always manage to see the beauty underneath it. :icon_surp

And yes, Eric, I'd be just as frusterated as you if I were in that position.

This once happened to me, but parked in front of a boarded up trailer-home.
I literally knocked on the doors of EVERY trailer house on that road and around the corner trying to find out information.

2 weeks later.......The car was mine. :biglaugh: So don't give up.

Whatever you do.....make sure no junk yard or repo company comes and picks it up to crush it. :cry:



Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
I didn't say that it had no beauty. I merely offered a starting point for price based on the assumed opinion of the owner. The owner on the other hand probably sees no beauty, and would probably welcome a little beer money for someone to relieve him of his "eyesore".

Maybe it belongs to the owner or a former employee of the club. Search public records for the name of that business owner. Offer to save him a towing and storage fee that he could incur.


PA Mountain Supra
My Suggestion

If it works like it does here in the States. I would go to the Police. They can check on ownership, liens etc. If the car is deemed abandoned it would then be auctioned off.

I did not notice in earlier posts if you had checked with the owner of the club it is parked by. Seems they would be interested in getting it moved also..


Tallest MK3 driver ever!!
Mar 30, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
Wow, such response! I feel better about the situation already heh. According to those businesses around it, the land that the shity purple/green building is on belongs to Tim Hortons/Wendy's so it would be VERY hard to actually talk to someone regarding removing some trash (supra) from a single lot of theirs. I have the used vehicle package from the dmv which I got today and it says no liens are on the vehicle. It's clean, but hella dirty if you know what I mean;) A wash would be a great idea. Boost Lee, how did you come to acquire your car after 2 weeks? I will probably call the police by thurs/fri if nothing turns up from some local business owner asking a few friends he thinks might know. I'm just worried they will offer me no help and then tow. Whatever happens happens I suppose. I just wish that it was easier somehow. Thanks for all the chatter it lifts my spirits about the whole scenario :icon_bigg Cryoslash suggested i pull the window out a bit to put a coat hanger inside to open the door. I feel like this would look TERRIBLY bad, probably prompting someone passing by or local to call the cops on me, and that's the last thing I need hahaaa.


Supramania Contributor
Jan 2, 2008
^ just be careful with that as it may be a bait car. Not likely being in an abandoned lot, but you never know! Check with the cops before doing anything I would say. Good luck and keep us posted.

Edit: Whereabouts is this located? Downtown?


Mar 21, 2008
Gather up all the well-worn Supra keys you can find from friends and such, give'm a try and see if you can unlock it then check for registration, insurance, whatever you can find that might identify the owner. Then be responsible and lock it back up before contacting the owner. :evil2:


Tallest MK3 driver ever!!
Mar 30, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
SuprRON: the car is located at 843 Kipling ave., it's a tiny bit north of the QEW on the East side of the street. My guess is the cops are the only ones that may be able to help left, unless the neighbour limo guy can get anything for me (doubtful) I'll give him 2 days as he said. I just remembered the glovebox is out and sitting in the back seat. I remember seeing that. There is a white paper about half a regular size, sitting face down on passenger side with printing on side hiden; possible lead. The cargo cover is covering trunk, visible is garbage bag and misc. garbage; possibly more in trunk. Possibly items indr seats or in centre arm rest. I tried my old supra key already :icon_razz it did not work. It's from my old 92 turbo.


Sep 12, 2008
Harford County, MD
I have something similer to that here.
my grandpa told me if you want it get it....
ther for. U can get a CoP to run the vin. then you will find the owner. or u can just drag it up on a trailer.

if you abandon a car here in MD then it goes to an impound lot. then after 30days the car belongs to the impounder. then they apply to dmv to get a salvage title. then they get the state police to make sure all the glass is good and the lights work and has seat belts. then they give you a real title.

Or u could switch vins. lol.
but it looks like a parts car to me. lol