Excellent post. Explanation of the issue, apology, and methods of preventing it from happening in the future, as well as several contact methods should we need to talk to Joe.
This is the type of attitude I like to see from a vendor. Incoming rep!
This is the type of attitude I like to see from a vendor. Incoming rep!
ma71supraturbo said:This was legitimately my fault, and as I told Joe in my email before seeing this thread, I feel terrible about it. For the rest of you here's the story:
Joe (Lagged) calls Monday mid-afternoon, needs a head gasket ASAP (who doesn't). I get his contact info then call all the warehouses that sometimes stock them until I find one with it in stock (normally these head gaskets are made to order with a 2-week average lead time). I call him back, let him know the options, and we decide on expedited shipping. I write the order up, make a note on the invoice about which warehouse has the gasket in stock but on the invoice I forget to change the shipping warehouse from the default. :icon_redf The shipping department usually catches stuff like this, but this one slips through and the PO gets sent to a warehouse with a 2-week lead time. At this point, I assumed the MHG shipped out Monday night if we're lucky, or Tuesday morning otherwise. The tracking number is automatically emailed within a day of shipment so I think everything's hunky-dory.
Today, Joe calls and speaks with someone else (not me) and it isn't until I notice a cancel pop up that I realize what happened (at which point I immediately emailed him explaining what happened and appologized profusely).
Cliff Notes: I dropped the ball on this order, and am very sorry. I will add reminders to Microsoft outlook to check up on outgoing orders to thwart mistakes like this from causing any customer any unnecessary delay.
Jonathon, I wasn't aware of an issue with your clutch line. I spoke with the tech making the line (they are made to order) on the phone personally between our phone calls Monday and he assured me he would have time to make it and get it out Monday night. I'll look into this matter first thing tomorrow am.
If anyone wishes to contact me, I respond fairly quickly to emails jeff@horsepowerfreaks.com, and am almost always on AIM ("HPF jeff" during the day, "ma71supraturbo" @ night). My direct line is also listed in the signature. So feel free to contact me directly if you're the slightest bit curious about the status of your order or anything else.