Painted it today, first layer. Still have lots more sanding/painting to do. It fits perfectly in the cowl over the high pressure zone. I also plan to extend my custom undercover further back for even less lift and even more downforce.

tissimo said:dont you have a carbon fiber hood? or that just temporary?
tissimo said:so you're going to install this in your carbon fiber hood?
masterchief819 said:Nooo, your car is too pretty to start tearing up the hood!
AGlobalThreat said:Yes its carbon fiber.
... so I could fit it in the cowl with the opening centered over the high pressure zone.
AGlobalThreat said:No, the low pressure zone is at the base of the windshield. The high pressure zone is over the radiator.
Burntz said:I was pretty sure the base of your windshield was high pressure.. lol, hence why cowl hoods work so good on older muscle cars w/ air cleaners right their