Hmmm, Nw car maybbeeee

Big Wang Bandit

You Can't Quit Me Baby
Feb 21, 2006
San Ramon, CA - 925!
Im pulling a CKanderson. RX-7 to MR2...

I think im gonna stick here tho. With the MR2.

My friend(I hang out with some MR2 people) is selling his 91 Turbo deuce. It needs work(stuff easily replaceable) and will sell it to me for 4000.

What I remember him saying it needs replaced.
Trubo(I can get one from a mutual friend)
o2 sensor
Speed Sensor(for the variable steering)

The MR2 is nice accually. It has all the options(as far as I know), All power, Power steering, AC.

Its basically stock. He installed(I helped) Megan Racnig coilovers. He doesnt like them cause the dampening cannot keep up with the spring rates(We ave the stock suspension, I can always pawn the coilovers and replace the suspension)

Here are some pics from a long time ago when I first saw the car




On the NorCal section of SF they are joking about seeing a MKIII for sale, Nor Cal soon. I dont see that happening.

So basically what my plans are
Take a loan out

Im trying to decide what a better loan to take is. One for personal use or one for a used car. From what I gather if I tell them its for a car, I need to have it fully insured untill the loan is paid off. If I say its for personal use, Insurance wont matter, but intrest rates will be up

So my deal now, I need to find a place to take a loan out. Gonna start with my bank, and most likely stay with the bank just for ease of payment.

Oh boy.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 14, 2006
Over the pond
Good Luck sticking yourself, aka Monster, into that bug...

Soo your selling yar Supe, so you don't need any corners? ( Or I misunderstand something)

Big Wang Bandit

You Can't Quit Me Baby
Feb 21, 2006
San Ramon, CA - 925!
I dont see myself selling this car. to be honest

The market in my area(im sure you could sell yours for lots) is nothing. My car is worth nothing and no one would buy it. So trying to sell it is useless(not that I want too)

This MR2 is gonna be my driver, while I work on the supra, bring it to a nice condition.


I am the Super Devil
Jun 22, 2005
Mississauga, Ontario
for 4000 thats no that bad of a deal...b ut honselty... you cannot pay me to work on a turbo mr2. LESS clearance then a damn 7m! especailly the crowded turbo area. Clutches on those cars are PITA's to repalce as well (again m friend has a 90 turbo) They are tight fits for anyone bigger then 6'0. And they literally EAT ignition parts. i have no idea why. Anyway good luck if you get it... it worse then a supra ill tell you that much...


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
MR-2's are nice... but me personally, I'd go for the RX-7. Good luck whatever you decide to do.

On the loan thing, how much is the interest rate for both? You need to find out what it is for both, then estimate about how long you think it'll take you to pay it back, and do some Benefits/cost analysis.

If you're gonna be paying insurance, but only over certain intervals, and the interest rate is say double what the car loan one is, then in the long run you might be paying more money.

However, if you do the car loan, and pay for insurance for a longer period of time (it's cheaper than paying month by month) and you have a lower interest rate, then it might work out in your favor. Plus your car would always be insured should something happen.

Just some food for thought ;) *cough* get the RX *cough*

Big Wang Bandit

You Can't Quit Me Baby
Feb 21, 2006
San Ramon, CA - 925!
lol. BTW the RX7 isnt for sale yet.

I fit in MR2's. Ill have to do a lil work to make it awesome comfortable tho.

Im trying to finish my homework so I can go to the bank and talk loans.

Im sure I can get a clutch done in a day along with guys who have done it before.


I am the Super Devil
Jun 22, 2005
Mississauga, Ontario
HellsLegion said:
lol. BTW the RX7 isnt for sale yet.

I fit in MR2's. Ill have to do a lil work to make it awesome comfortable tho.

Im trying to finish my homework so I can go to the bank and talk loans.

Im sure I can get a clutch done in a day along with guys who have done it before.
day.. .hmmm thats actually very questionable! lol.
but to tel you if i had a choice on a second car it would be a mr2.

Big Wang Bandit

You Can't Quit Me Baby
Feb 21, 2006
San Ramon, CA - 925!
It took me and yellow 13 2 days to change my supra auto to a 5spd lol. Anywho. Ill have a supie to drive around while im workin MR2 style.

I was looking for an AW11 but this jumpped up and I think Im gonna take bait. I jsut wanna know what im looking at paying monthly... Then I need my dad to sign a paper.


I am the Super Devil
Jun 22, 2005
Mississauga, Ontario
HellsLegion said:
It took me and yellow 13 2 days to change my supra auto to a 5spd lol. Anywho. Ill have a supie to drive around while im workin MR2 style.

I was looking for an AW11 but this jumpped up and I think Im gonna take bait. I jsut wanna know what im looking at paying monthly... Then I need my dad to sign a paper.
man, i dont know about you but i dotn think you should be gettign yourself into loans....

Big Wang Bandit

You Can't Quit Me Baby
Feb 21, 2006
San Ramon, CA - 925!
Neither do I. I never wanted to. But I know im fully capable to pay back monthly what they will be asking(most likely)

Im going now to see whats up. Its only a 4000$ loan so It cant be that much per month.


World I Am Gay Blue!!!
Dec 2, 2005
Fargo ND
I would go MR2 over a RX7!!! Car looks nice, a little high on price but overall its an ok deal. My guess is about a $200 payment at 3 years!!! Good luck and let us know when you own it........................


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide
being a car salesman in a former life, i can tell you that unless you have a strong credit rating, getting a loan on a 6 yr old car is unlikely

better off going for a personal loan, or better yet, not getting a loan at all


I am the Super Devil
Jun 22, 2005
Mississauga, Ontario
trucker said:
being a car salesman in a former life, i can tell you that unless you have a strong credit rating, getting a loan on a 6 yr old car is unlikely

better off going for a personal loan, or better yet, not getting a loan at all
16 chief ;)
Banks would do it. and loans are lie kcredit cards, there just a minimum you have to pay.

Big Wang Bandit

You Can't Quit Me Baby
Feb 21, 2006
San Ramon, CA - 925!
Thanks Trucker.

I did learn that some credit unions(Bank of america in my case most likely) will not give out an "auto" loan for an older car. Im am gonna check bank of americas policies right now. The bankers at the branch Iw ent to did not sit down with me and talk but rather refferd me to the website. I would rather of spoken wth a person.

Another thing I am wondering, Being 17, Will I be able to pull a loan? I know a student loan I would need a signiture, hmm.

Sandyman, I was talking to my buddy with an Alltrac last night, Why are MR2 CT-26's twin entry? Is it for small displacement velocity issues? I dunno if my turbo source would have one from a supra.


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide cannot legally sign a contract untill you are 18

and what can i say...i can't type....but 6 yr old cars are tough too

personal loan is the only way it's gonna happen,but i think i've already posted about how i feel about loand on another thread..

Big Wang Bandit

You Can't Quit Me Baby
Feb 21, 2006
San Ramon, CA - 925!

Trucker. I figured that. Also according to Bank Of America I cannot take a loan out for an automobile, unless its 7500$ or more. So thats ruled out.

Now i need to talk to someone at Bank Of America about how i am to go to take it out, I dont know if I ca even take a loan out because of my age. So I may need to convince my dad to take the loan and I pay him. Too bad he is mad at me.
So personal loan it is. Its a varible rate >_< and its high. But I can see maybe a 3 year payment, maybe a 2 year.


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide
problem is like i can't take one untill you are 18, regardless of what kind ofloan it is, anywhere, not even with a cosigner.

ant if you have your old man do it(called a "straw deal in the business)while is pretty common, is illegal

be damn shure you can follow through with this if you decide to go that happens, and if you accidentally hose your old man...thanksgiving dinner is gonna taste like shit for many years to come...